[Patch 9.0] Character not found

A tip for anyone suffering from “Character Not Found”, the following worked for me:

• Log in to game client
• Select your server
• If you arent showing any characters, just wait a moment, they should pop up
• Once on the character selection screen, go to Game Menu, in the bottom left
• Click System
• Drop your graphics all the way to 1
• Log in on your chosen character
• Restore graphics to what they were

This worked for me. Im seeing other reports of the same thing working for others as well, you might as well give it a shot.

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This worked for me. I tried everything else I read on these forums, but this one the one that did it for me. Good luck to you reading this.

I just got in! What I did…
I logged in and it got to the server selection screen, I just let it sit at the selection screen, and it populated after about 10 minutes. logged right in after that.

I was able to get in after I disabled all my addons

I haven’t been able to log in all night, but I was just able to get in. I changed nothing.

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Finally able to log in. All it took was cancelling my auto renewal.

Myronath’s fix worked for me as well… as lame as it is that the game won’t let you connect unless you downgrade everything to 1985 settings.

Is this fixed yet? None of the hotfix posts have any information on this. I’d like to play the game but can’t login during prime time. Missed raids can’t be unmissed. Please at least advise that teams are still working on this issue.

Maybe it has something to do with why I see my character as 120 Goblin Warlock and a member of a guild I am no longer apart of.

Just to confirm, this issue was resolved on the 14th. If you’re still having issues with character not found happening at certain times of day, please let us know what server you’re having the problem on and what time/time zone the issue occurred on. If you permanently have this error, it’s likely unrelated.

It is 10/16/2020 at 4:35PM Pacific and i am experiencing this issue again for my characters. Tichondrius,Black DragonFlight, Kil’jaeden…etc. Any server i have a character on they are missing.

yeah its happening to me also -.-

Yeah this issue just started happening this evening (16th). All my character’s on Zul’jin returning not found.

-Edited for clarity-

Further edit: Fully logging out and restarting Bnet and then proceeding to login seemed to make things work and I have successfully logged on, albeit very slowly.

Now I’m getting “A character with that name already exists” when I try to log in on my priest on Area52.

it is happening again! Need help!

Same here Dalaran 6:48pm central time

Bleeding Hollow EST at 7:45 pm on 10/16/20

Same Here Again Area 52 7:50 EST

Yesa is also having slow loading screen and then character not found.

I am also getting this bug right now. Cannot log in on any characters. New or otherwise. This happened directly after killing the headless horseman and leaving the instance group. It continued to show my party though I had left. Then I could not log out or exit.

I understand things happen, but this is very frustrating considering the timed horseman’s reins mount.