[Patch 9.0] Character not found

So I went on and on for 30m with the same error “Character not found”. Changed many things one by one and reverting settings back when they didnt work…But I changed my Anti-Aliasing setting from “None” to “FXAA High” and instantly was able to log in. Hope this helps anyone, and I hope Devs can find something out of this if they read this. Good luck!

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This worked for me yesterday and today (set Allow Multiple Instances): Character not found - #175 by Aragondring-bonechewer

Just cancelled my subscription. Lot’s of game time left, so they’ve got time to correct things but it’s the clearest signal that I think that we can give them that this is not okay.

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2 hours later update; took a break, came back and still getting character not found, along with the issue of it not displaying my character count. i’ve tried all the suggestions to fix this too, no luck.

Same problem as everyone else. I just finally got to logging in tonight to try out the patch. No characters exist on my account anymore. I tried some of the suggestions, but no luck.

Guys, the servers are being flooded. Maybe if we flood them harder it will fix the problem. Whatever you do don’t stop trying to log in.


Still having issues, characters not found. Loading screen with realms comes up like I’m new. Try logging in and black background, characters populate, but then I get “character not found” when i try to log in.

This is sloppy. Maybe working from home isn’t such a great idea. I thought months of beta and stress tests are to mitigate these problems.


hurry lol, we’re trynna level toons and play this damn game we paid for :frowning:

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It’s honestly ridiculous.

I am having the issue on all characters on server Magtheridon Horde. 1 characters sometimes can get on for 10 mins before I am disconnected. This has been going on since patch release.

not sure if that’s really the issue, though. some of my discord friends are able to get in just fine; seems to be the same people having this issue and rather not a server overload thing. especially considering it doesn’t show the character count before getting this error.

Having the same problem. I had this problem last night but was able to log in just fine earlier today. Now the problem has returned. It’s getting pretty frustrating.


It was working fine this morning

I think you are right, worked fine earlier, then my monthly sub was taken out of my banking account and now nothing. I think you are on to something.

update… waiting 5 mins at the character select AFTER trying once getting the error then trying again has worked. could be coincidence but it’s been mentioned before as a fix!

i turned my graphics all the way down too but i don’t think that had an impact honestly

People I have on Battletag are logged in while I can’t even see my chars on ED :frowning:

Edit I just went to my realm even though it showed no toons and a black screen, and waited a bit. Characters are back

The only reason I have resubbed after over a year of absence and am trying to play the game right now is because I’m trying to take my mind off of my grief, and I can’t even do that.

I seriously want to know what measures Blizzard would have to take to ensure these issues don’t happen and why they never get done.


Dropping graphics down to 1 worked perfectly for me. After disabling out of date addons, and putting graphics back up to max, everything works just fine.

All my characters are missing again when I went to login just now. I was able to login last night after reporting the issue and waiting an hour and a half. But this seems to be a continuing problem with login issues. My opinion is that these issues should extend our billing since this interrupts our time to play the game. Please address.

Same issue as others. Server is Ysera. Can see my characters but when I try to load in it gets to 90% complete, and then cuts back to my character saying that the character He’s not found.

Tried one more time by running the wow.exe directly from the folder instead of using the blizzard launcher and was able to get logged in.

Not sure if it was because I launched wow without the launcher or if I just tried over and over again and it finally worked.

Good luck everyone.