[Patch 9.0] Character not found

Same here


Same on Thrall. It is all my characters.

Yup no characters have been found yet.

Same can’t even make a character at all.

Well, I kept trying and my character finally loaded in on Zul’jin.

Aaaaand back to character not found when logging out to check addons.

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The most frustrating part, my wife loads right in, right next to me. Still character not found for me.

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Yup…none of my characters can log in. And my night elves have blacked-out faces…so that’s cool.

I’m having the same issue

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Same here on Elune. But my wife is logged on the same server without any issue

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loads too about 90% on blue bar but then reverts too character screen with “character not found” displayed

please help


Plus 1… tried all my toons on my server. does it to all of them.

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Ah. So it is not just me. I expected delays today, but this (along with the GPU shenanigans’) is a new one.


It feels blatantly obvious big streamers are given log-in priority. So all I can do is watch people play the game atm


Im having the same issue on all of my accounts so +1 for me

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Me too… hope they fix it soon

Same issue here T.T

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Same god damn issue here…

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Having same issues on all of my toons


Also getting “Character Not Found” after successfully logging into my server, all characters - not just one.

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