Nothing has been confirmed about the Vindicaar. It could be tangled up in space somewhere.
I even pitched the idea that it never joined the war, because Occuleth and a cabal of magi keep teleporting it into random pockets of space, to prevent it from ever entering orbit.
I could concede Azshara, though there’s something to be said about over-taking from a land before what was taken can be replaced. If you take from two different sources to meet a quota, you end up taking very little and your resource is bountiful for years. If you take solely from one location, you are very much going to have a bald spot in your territory that will grow wider over the years to fulfill your needs. We can observe this now, in our current reality, despite regulations put in place in an attempt to thwart that.
Eversong Woods is across the entire kingdom and while it might be good lumber for affairs in the Eastern Kingdom, it’s useless to Kalimdor.
The whole scenario that was being discussed, the whole reason this argument came up, was that; if the Horde currently hold Ashenvale, and negotiations are being discussed for peace, what could they exchange for demilitarizing Ashenvale?
It’s not as if the Horde isn’t beyond receiving reparations on their part, either. The Alliance threw the first punch in the conflict that provoked the war. People died in this conflict (obviously).
That, again, loops back to the crux of what I was saying earlier; give and take. That’s the core of politics. Discuss terms, compromise and meet a middle ground on the subject to agree upon.
Sylvanas didn’t dismiss anything. Even Saurfang saw that as reason enough that another war was imminent.
If the Commander who issued the attack gets off scott free with no reprimand, it was an attack sanctioned by its leadership. Or more likely, Anduin didn’t want to punish Genn and wanted to view him as an equal sovereign.
Regardless, attacking her fleet and trying to take her out is an act of war.
Can’t really take BTS at face value since we have literal point of view inner thoughts from Sylvanas more than once that don’t so much as hint at what her apparent true goal was the entire time.
In the novel she may dismiss the Stormheim thing to an extent, but she also later uses it to convince poor, senile old Saurfang that war with the Alliance is inevitable ‘at some point’ and it’s better to hit first.
Either way, the whole peace treaty thing is blegh, there was a treaty back at the end of MoP as well, specifically with the night elves, and it took little over a year in canon for the Horde to promptly stomp all over that. If it means the faction war is done for any period of time, I guess it’s palatable.
Until an orc stubs his toe on a log that’s shaped vaguely like a night elf, two expansions from now, and the Horde burns Ashenvale to the ground and then feels bad later.
I dont think its bad thing, just like in real life, people have peace, then later war. I mean just look at Napoleonic era, they had peace and then war like every year. just like in wow
If Occuleth and some magi can trap the Vindicaar in a teleportation loop forever, then I think the Horde can handle shipping lumber from one continent to another.
That’s not true. The only time Stormheim is mentioned in “A Good War” is offhandedly by Sylvanas when she’s trying to pitch Saurfang on conquering the Alliance. It wasn’t even her first point of argument, and after thinking about it Saurfang continued to resist the idea. That’s it. It’s not brought up again after that one paragraph. She didn’t even mention it as a cause for war, just as an example that not everyone in the Alliance is as peaceful as Anduin. It was posters here on the Story Forum who cited it as Casus belli, not the characters in the actual story.
Besides, we now know that the real reason for the war was because Sylvanas was trying to send as many souls as possible to the Maw as per her deal with the Jailer. A deal that has been in place since just after the ending of WotLK. It was never about Stormheim, or azerite, or anything else.
I want everyone to give a solid reason of why thrall and baine, or any of the other coucil members would want to keep ashenvale, and then why anduin and genn would ok with it. Please use lore and citations to back up your claims, go!
I do… and it’s still the dumbest thing about Shadowlands AND the ultimate evidence of this companies absolute laziness when it comes to WoWs development. The game has been in the Cataclysm era for longer than it was the Vanilla era… with every thing that has happened it is high time the old world, the old Azeroth which we think of first and foremost when we think of WoW, got another revamp.
Have you played the new Warsong Gulch? Imagine if the Barrens and Ashenvale looked like that… or if every zone got an Arathi/Darkshore update. It seems to me to be a huge missed opportunity… I mean we are squishing level cap back down to 60 and everything, but are still stuck with the same old Cataclysm world if we start at level 1.