I ran the math on it.
Flash Heal: 341% spellpower
Spec Bonus: 85%
Class Tree Bonus: 15%
341 * 1.85 * 1.15=725% spellpower for Flash Heal. This would equate to 43.5% spellpower for each person getting healed.
725 * .06=43.5% spellpower distributed as healing from Dispersing Lights. If you’re running Archon and this is a Surge of Light Flash heal, it would be 943% spellpower Flash Heal and 56% spellpower from Dispersing Lights. But, let’s start talking about bonuses to Heal and Flash Heal.
Let’s look at a best case scenario for Heal.
Heal: 868.92% spellpower
Spec Bonus: -8% (why is this here?)
Everlasting Light: 10% bonus
Resonant Words: 40% bonus
Lightweaver: 25% bonus
Desperate Times: 20% Bonus
Divine Word: Serenity buff: 30% Bonus
868.92 * .92 * 1.1 * 1.4 * 1.25 * 1.2 * 1.3= ~2400% spellpower. If you’re running Oracle, you’re casting on yourself and getting another 30% bonus for ~3120% Spellpower.
Dispersing Lights would be 144% spellpower and 187% spellpower respectively on each target. Circle of Healing is 155% spellpower. Now, that’s for the first cast after which you’d likely lose Desperate Times and Resonant Words, but you’re still getting additional casts which could equal more Circle of Healing Casts in the same time period.
Let’s run some more math and assume you’re going to drop Resonant Words and Desperate Times after the first cast and use up all Lightweaver.
399% spellpower, so you’re essentially getting 1 Healing Chorus boosted Circle of Healing in 4 casts of Heal. Ok, I tried to make this look good and it’s lackluster. The benefit I suppose is that it’s automatic and you can keep casting Flash Heal and Heal and it would average over the course of a raid encounter more than Circle of Healing.
After all those buffs fall off, it would be non-impactful healing and would only pad the meters. I do not know currently if the healing done by this applies Echo of Light.
All in all, yeah it looks a bit more lackluster than anticipated.
Edit: There’s a huge assumption being made that these bonuses to Heal are multiplicative with each other and not additive. So, the numbers here are likely higher than in reality.
This is the talent tree used for these scenarios. Don’t judge the tree, just slapping random stuff to get the bonuses for heal.