Patch 11.1 Undermine(d) Development Notes - Class Changes, Holy Priest and

Looks like we’ll finally get many of get the changes we’ve been waiting for. I’m still quite hesitant on renew casts and prayer of healing, and circle is gone, but it really does look like they have addressed our a lot of the issues we’ve discussed here. Notably on divine hymn, 1 point talents, and more passive and forms of aoe healing. At the very least it will be exciting to see how this affects our playstyle. 4 procs on lightweaver is an interesting and welcomed add as well.


Looking at the tier sets of other healers I think holy is going to dominate in raid healing with the %buff from insurances applied along with class changes

As long as I’m able to push higher keys next season I’ll be happy

Very excited for next season
TY Blizzard


I’m going to miss Circle of Healing since it and Prayer of Mending worked so well and their cooldown lined up perfectly to be bound to my mousewheel up/down and used while on the move.

I was pretty happy with Holy’s talent tree. I wanted to see some balance to things like Prayer of Healing and Renew. I’m worried about getting more targeted heals and higher APM but I can’t understand how these new talent changes will affect our playstyle enough to comment about whether or not I like them.

Seems like big changes though.

No Shadow Priest changes though!?!?!? Holy didn’t need changes, Shadow did.

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Merry Christmas everyone


By putting prayer of healing at 2.5 sec baseline, it basically forces you to take light weaver now. Even with a 40% buff plus the benefit of light weaver, I still think it won’t be strong enough to move health bars in an emergency.

Adding some functionality to renew is good (and the talent they added is similar to an idea I posted a month ago :slight_smile: ) but they need to buff its healing more. It’s an incredibly weak heal. To put it on a 12 sec cooldown just for 60% more healing isn’t enough.

I don’t like the focus on power word life to be honest.

Obviously some good changes though overall, but I’ll have to play around with the talent calculator once it’s up to see what we can really access.


What do you mean? We now have 4 Lightweaver stacks, can do some fast PoH if we wanted to in addition to 3 insta cast PoH if we actually wanted to

Am I missing something


Just realized a single cast of empowered renew during apoth might be pretty strong for resetting sanctify. :thinking:

2 steps forward for Disc, 5 steps back. Maybe we should have never asked for a class overhaul.


I need to see what the actual talent tree looks like, but it looks like they actually listened to our feedback.

  • Filler talents removed.
  • 2 point talents were trimmed down.
  • Redundant abilities were removed and/or consolidated.
  • More abilities reset your Holy Words.
  • Actually did something with Renew and gave us the DF S3 2-piece bonus as a talent.
  • Made Lightwell way better.

These changes aren’t going to make Holy the new FOTM meta or anything, but it’s a large improvement.


Doesn’t make sense at all that Restitution shares node with GUARDIAN ANGEL.
Why? there’s no reason you would pick Restitution over GA for a key!

Let us have a defensive (Auto brez) FR, Shamans do not have to give up ANYTHING for ankh

Make Spirit of Redemption an actual core part of the Holy priest toolkit for once!


Nice to see them trimming away Holy Word: Salvation and putting more power into Divine Hymn again. I much prefer the “song” theme for Holy Priest anyway as it feels more angelic.

Purge the Wicked → Encroaching Shadows change misses the point. Disc can’t activate Twilight Equilibrium consistently because it has no consistent HOLY damage spell to press. Between Shadow Cov and Void Blast, nearly all damage was already funneled into the Shadow school already. With this change, it just makes ignoring Equil. easier and tunnel harder into Shadow Cov/Voidweaver.

No Train of Thought or Rapture- serious nerfs, not compensated in the slightest. The first cuts into our Penance and Shield output, the latter hurts our ability to blanket groups pre-damage or deal with crises.

Without Heavens Wrath, Uppies is a 4 minute cooldown, egregiously long for an already unpopular, finicky talent.

The 50% extra shield on Uppies- laughable, given that most deaths are caused by falling into ground effects with 200% overkill damage.

Void Summoner cuts into SCov uptime. Remains to be seen if the other buffs will sufficiently compensate Voidweaver, but is probably a net nerf for VW.

No Dispel profile changes.

No class-wide interrupt.

No trimming down rotational buttons.

This isn’t the overhaul we wanted. It’s a litany of mechanical missteps papered over by more numbers tuning, no different than the last 4 patches.

Dear Blizzard- just cancel this patch. Would rather keep current Disc. Thanks.


I’m pretty irrationally annoyed that I’m losing Circle of Healing. Same with Salvation. It helped burn off so much of the healing absorb on Broodtwister.

It feels like they’re pushing us to heavily rely on Divine Hymn, and even with the channel reduction, there’s gonna be fights where it’s just going to be a pain to cast.

I also hate change, though :rofl:


I started a topic: Feedback: Holy Priest

CoH had no usage in M+ and its healing was nerfed heavily in favor of putting more power into Archon Halo. Consolidating CoH and PoH into one ability with better talent support was a more logical choice.

Also, I stopped using Salv (and most of the Priests in Mythic) because Apotheosis is quite simply more powerful now. When you cast Halo and Apotheosis at the same time you just fart out Holy Words like nobody’s business because of the Surge of Light procs cdring both Holy Words.

With our Holy Words baseline cd being reduced to 45s, more abilities cdr your Holy Words, and using Apo gives you free PoHs… yeah. Apo is going to be a major raid healing cd.

The Lightweaver change gives Holy Priests more options in terms of how to heal.


I just mean it almost makes lightweaver required so build diversity goes down.

It’s not a bad change, but divine word stands no chance now unless both can somehow be taken now.

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With how it looks in the notes they trimmed down the majority of the 2-point nodes down to 1-point and were going to have Divine Word, Lightwell, Lightweaver, and Divine Image as our end tree talents. Lightwell is also going to be a lot stronger since it now heals people <75% hp.

This should in theory make it so you can take 3-4 end tree talents.


Sad to see Circle go as it was one of my favourite spells. Wish I could’ve used it in M+ when needed to move around so had been hoping they were gonna buff it.

Like some others said it seems we will be funneled into a certain playstyle but we won’t know fully until we see the tree. Anyone know when we would be able to see the tree?

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I know most of you Hpriest do PVE but these seem like some severe PVP nerfs. That empowered renew talent looks so bad I think you actually hurt yourself taking it. They are trying to compensate by buffing PoH but when do priests use PoH in pvp? Basically never


Evangalism is supposedly the compensation for the removal of Rapture. They added a 4200% SP heal to it, to all targets effected by atonement. Its splits so you can decides to heal a handful of targets for a lot or as many targers as you can blanket for a little, while setting up further atonement healing to follow.

Will have to see how it plays out but both Evangalism and Rapture are 1.5min CDs so there is still something there for that gap.

Basically now instead of having the rapture set up it will just be renew/SoL flash until we Radiance x2 evangalism into atonement damage to heal the raid.

The bigger and far more concerning hit is Void Summoner now only reducing bender/fiend on Mind Blast and Penance cast. Voidweaver going to have a lot less mana going into the next patch.

Actually between getting contrition baseline, the new oracle talent for Penance, more damage in SW:D and kess damage on entropic rift we might see Oracle disc overtake Voidweaver next patch.

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The Rapture change, specifically, exacerbates our ability to apply Atonements, one of Dics’s continual pain points, and doubles down on healing with atonement- already one of our strengths. I would not call this a welcome change.
Furthermore, the plethora of long CD buttons is one of Dics’s strengths and charms. As far as I’m concerned, the bloat is in our rotational buttons- I have a petty hatred for Schism in this regard.

My typical experience (biased for M+) is that I put so much effort to set up Atonement, that the delay in applying Schism and maybe Shadow Cov before I can fully heal with Penance is an irritation at best, and deadly at worst. I don’t have the opportunity to sit still long enough to chain together all those casted abilities, especially with so much damage stacked on top of forced movement.

What I really enjoyed was the flow of the .0 talents from DF- using Twilight Equil and og Harsh Discipline Smite/MB/Smite/MB, that could be set up during damage lulls, to super-charge my Penance. That way I could concentrate on getting Atones set up before the damage spike, and then blast with Penance as the health bars dropped.
Schism/Scov puts time and target constrictions into an already complicated Atonement setup that I wish was just not there.