Party wide twink XP debuff 8.2 .... WHAT?!

omg. this is a nightmare scenario. Surely Blizz will see this and act.

That being said, I’m still against this change. They’ve more or less butchered the fun of leveling over the years, so yeah it’s tedious even for us who love leveling more than anything.

Unless they do massive rework to leveling, changes like these are just silly.

You’ve repeated that multiple times, you’ve said twinking as a whole is an exploit. Stop trolling.

“I never said that read again, but harder”


You don’t agree with me!! You’re trolling!!!

QQ kid.

Turning xp off when it’s available to everyone is unfair apparently. Judging on your own thread on this topic, you’re a pretty clear troll.

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A troll, or a bitter old man who has a vendetta against twinks

It only apllies if you applied for isle in a party with said people whom turned their XP off.

Pretty much ends the whole patethic twinking population and their carry runs. Twinks exists solonely for the purpouse of abusing a system.
If you hate the leveling soo much you really should look for another game instead because paying people to play the game for you makes you a joke and nothing else.


Not sure where you saw that it only applies in a party. The new buff for xp off wont show up unless you talk to the npc eliminator and turn it on then back off. If you do that and que for anything your group gets the reduced xp buff.

Imagine if you could read.

Debuff is only apllied to people whom queue with the twink not those who solo queue.

It says that if you queue AS a party with someone INSIDE that party with XP-off you get the nerf.

if you say so.

Seems like a silly change. Let players play the game they want. Isn’t that why this game last as long as it has?

Not everything has to to be “End Game” content …


Hate to be “that guy” but seems like blizzard hates fun.

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Ill say this one last time… They are NOT, repeat NOT stopping anyone from playing a twink.
They are just stopping twinks selling island/FH carries for gold and money.
So keep playing your twink. This ONLY effects you if you were selling boosts… End of story.

Likely there is a 120 boost coming from blizzard at a guess.

Except it is confirmed even if you solo que everyone in the instance gets the debuff though.

Where is that proof?
Because everywhere Ive seen its the other way.

If you go to the original wowhead story and look at the xpoff thread someone actually tested it. (Page 3+) If you character copy a twink you have the old pre-legion version of xp off. You won’t have the blindfold buff. If you talk to the xp eliminator and talk to them again you’ll get the new version of the buff which does the reduced xp.

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Assuming this has to do with people using 110’s to carry people through freehold. IMO it just shows how broken scaling is.


freehold & islands. Still don’t get why in legion it wasnt an issue but bfa it’s the worst thing you can think of