Party wide twink XP debuff 8.2 .... WHAT?!

So evidently in island expeditions, 110 twinks that have XP turned off will cause a party wide XP debuff, starting with patch 8.2. It will reduce all XP gains of any party member within 200 yards of the twink by 95%.

What isnt clear if this applies to random queue. if so, that is pretty bad. We dont have any control on if a twink with XP turned off is partied with us. Then we would have to determine, somehow, who is causing the debuff and vote kick them, and then wait for them to be replaced. Which if that person is partied with a friend, wont be able to vote kick and thus have to leave and re-queue.

why couldnt they have just made it so that anyone with XP turned off cant random queue?


Twinks are a mistake.


I’m trying to wrap my head around who decided this was a fair solution.

It’s nobody’s fault that there’s an xp off character, so you’re willing to punish everybody else?

The buff better be clearly visible for VTK purposes.


I hope so. And when people come here and complain about being kicked, we can point to a wowhead link of the debuff.

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They should just delete twinks. Problem solved.


Yeah, this is a pretty nasty issue because of how sweeping it is.
I can understand Blizz hammering down one method of leveling that’s strictly better than all others (which I think is the idea with this), but at the same time, it opens up a LOT of scary things.
If it applies in random queue, then any character can just turn it off and RUIN the IE for people leveling when they get picked.
If it applies to all groups too, as is implied, this impacts dungeons, group quests, and similar.
End result could be entire chunks of the leveling in BfA content becoming near unplayable due to people avoiding it to avoid such trolling. (yes this is the extreme end, but still within the realm of possibility.)
Even worse, this could impact leveling outside of BfA, so this fix to a minor problem could cause issues for the entire leveling experience outside of the expansion with the intended target of the nerf.


As much as I hate them removing ways to get around the BOOOORIng leveling of bfa I am a bit happy since this means some of the people constantly spamming trade chat will go away. Silver lining!


I’m a bit confused. Why are people with exp off doing islands(…why is anyone but collectors really…), and more than that why it is it a problem for them to do so?

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A 110 EXP off twink can do normal islands (and more importantly, Freehold) faster than the average 120 character. You carry people through and they pay you gold.


TIL People using trade chat for trade is now spam.


When there’s 10 people popping a macro spam every minute in trade all day every day it is spam. I am sure you wouldn’t like it if you were listening to your radio and all of a sudden it was just the same geico ad playing on loop into infinity.


It isn’t just Island expeditions, it’s all dungeons as well. And the way it’s worded makes it seem like it works for all brackets, not just 110-119. Blizzard, Twinks exist. Stop trying to nerf fun. Jeeze. They’re harmless in PVE Content, literally the only thing that happens is a dungeon run goes faster.


Imagine being Blizzard and coming to the conclusion this is what you should do

  1. People are upset BFA ‘sucks’
  2. 8.2 is taking way too long to come out
  3. People are praising how awesome classic devs have been with the community.

Instead of being more transparent with us they decide to cause a sstorm over something nobody even cares about.

like what on EARTH dude.


Looks likr some players were not miserable enough doing islands, so they are patching that to improve their fun levels.

Blizzard #1!!!


Glad i leveled all of my 110s using my twink on another account cause to hell with normal BFA leveling. I wouldn’t have leveled any but my 3 main characters if not for Freehold boosting myself. Made a decent amount of gold too.


LOL, seems like they want to eliminate people from doing free hold boosts or islands… leave it to Blizz to consider this a good move for the health of the game instead of giving people that want to level alts, easier paths to go through the levels.


Anyone who really believed Blizzard would allow the Island Twink Leveling Experience to continue unchecked was severely deluding themselves.

Blizzard, anyone who has that debuff better not be allowed to queue for ANY Dungeon Finder activity except PVP. These guys showing up in my Random Dungeons is going to severely ruin my day. You better have any route for trolling locked down hard.


How much easier can they make it?

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Except that comparison isn’t fair. It would be closer to the same song being played frequently on the radio. Trade chat was being used for its purpose. Trading.