Party wide twink XP debuff 8.2 .... WHAT?!

They never cease to amaze me. Throw out random words and expect everyone to accept their reasoning. Then sling insults instead of using facts to back their diatribe.

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I would like to believe he would have no reason to lie about his claim but maybe this is an elaborate troll?

He seems convinced gearing up is an exploit. Could be a troll.

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He had to sound relevant on a post that has no bearing on him or anyone other than the person carrying a leveler or the leveler paying the twink.

Imagine for a minute that I just had one of the Ranged Mobs in Tol Dagor just trigger a bomb on the floor above us and kill me because I wasn’t aware of that barrel.

Now imagine instead of fixing something glaring like that in a dungeon, that instead making anyone in a party with someone with XP off now gets no XP themselves.

Nevermind, don’t imagine it because it happened.

Its not an exploit in any sense of the word.

You have no idea what an exploit is you think people turning XP off to power level is an exploit. We knew scaling from was wacky, and with Legandaries/set bonuses/some azerite 110/111s are gods. Thats not an exploit, thats a side effect of End Game gear from the previous expansion still being pretty good in the current expansion at low levels.

Anyway no point in discussing as our sides seem clear. This change is stupid when there are so many other things that could use some thought, and not that leveling through power leveling was too good.


BC was a long time ago, and it would be hard to find info from back then. Something to easily make up “facts” about

I kinda have high hopes he is a troll just trying to keep the thread moving. But in reality I think he is very serious.

Well, here in Los Angeles it is generally always “Come Out and Play,” but you can hear an occasional Eminem substitution (“My Name Is”). This being on KROQ, world famous for promoting rock and new music. So, Offspring in 2019. Go figure.

What’s funny is turning on Power 106 (the hip hop station), it goes like this:

  • Geico Ad.
  • Geico Ad.
  • Airhorns
  • Geico Ad.
  • Airhorns and DJs bragging about being “In the Mix.”
  • Geico Ad.
  • Airhorns.
  • Repeat.
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Honestly, good luck trying to talk to brick walls. But couldn’t have been said better.

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Yea I am done with this. I have to take my old butt to bed so I can babysit my amazing granddaughter tomorrow.


No bans, because it’s not an exploit. 0 talk from blizzard about it, just a change on the PTR.


But but… he said I can get a permaban for leveling people with my twink. I am scared now.

Get banned, kid. The tauren said so


I am old af lol. I wish I was a kid.

Both sides of this argument are getting way off point.

For those of you that like to twink -> They are NOT banning twinks.

For those of you that hate twinks -> They are NOT ruining your fun.

This is purely to stop people selling power leveling. Its that simple.
You want to twink, have at it. No one is stopping you.
You don’t want to twink, have it, no one is making you.

You all need to calm the farm.


I agree with that. I just don’t see the difference in allowing people to pay for powerleveling via gold and allowing people to pay for +10 and AOTC runs.


You can twink still, yes. Will you get kicked out of groups if they find out the xp debuff comes from you? Most likely.

They way I understand the debuff is you have to be grouped in a party not an instance group.

Your not going to get kicked out of groups… Groups / Parties. Two different things good sir.
You q your twink as normal, all good.
You take 4 friends in a party, you get the XP nerf.

Simple, see.


This was tested I assume good sir? I did not see anyone testing it.