Party wide twink XP debuff 8.2 .... WHAT?!

With azeroth auto pilot it takes around 5-6 hours to level from 110-120. Plus leveling for the 3rd or 4th time feels like such a slog.

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Not really. All Blizz needed to do to avoid this sstorm was make Freehold and IE minimum level 111. Boom. done. fixed.


The community of people who couldn’t level in BGs had every right to complain and has every right to level in BGs in peace.


Yes they did, still not an exploit though.

Mate, 111 twinks exist. My balance druid for islands is 111.

Explain to me how it is an exploit. I do it on my DH (or used to) You are not doing anything against TOS when you do twink carries. This is something Blizzard done to themselves with scaling.


Then people lock at 111. The difference between 110 and 111 is actually fairly small since the decrease in power (via secondary ratios) is exponential. Instead of like 6 minute islands or whatever it will be 8 maybe. Who cares? That affliction warlock is still never going to get attacked while they run around the island with absolute corruption and the ring.

Your “fix” is incredibly shortsighted.

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111 twinks are 3-5% less effective than 110 twinks, that wouldn’t fix anything lol.

Being overpowered = exploit = bad? I dont understand it either

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I got the solution! Make it so anyone under 115 can’t que for anything, ez fix

I don’t understand why you think it takes the twink’s ability away to que in BGs. I mean, they can still que in BG’s, don’t they? :man_shrugging: they just have to wait longer and fight with other twinks.

Ah ah ah. 116. Can’t have those legiondaries. No fun allowed.


I feel like they are exploiting their ability to become over powered with gear by means of stopping level progression and simply overtime getting the best possible gear in every slot. Upon entering a battleground with players who do not share the same advantage they are exploiting their advantage.

If you can’t see that, well agree to disagree I guess.

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111 twinks are arguably better than 110 twinks, because of gem and enchants getting full value instead of being scaled down.

If you don’t like twinks that’s all fine and dandy, but don’t try to make it sound like they are using exploits when that is not the case in any shape or form.


Some classes and specs are viable at 111, but they’re both strong. I can clear islands in 5 mins on a 110 DH and a 111 Afflic lock. Both are great to play.

They can only que with twinks in BGS

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9 times out of 10 if you have a socket on your twink 111 will be better because of gems

40 secondary stat is more than what most base pieces from antorus have

The XP off mechanic was introduced in BC when they enabled XP in bgs, causing an outrage from twinks. So it was literally introduced so players with overpowered gear can que bgs without leveling. It’s not an exploit, people just complained so much that blizzard separated players.


depends how many gems, if you are a 111 DH twink with like 12 gems, then yeah.