Party wide twink XP debuff 8.2 .... WHAT?!

Was the 101 twinks of legion also an exploit? Why is it a bfa issue?

Wouldn’t say getting BiS gear as an xp off twink is an exploit, that’s literally what twinking was made for, stopping xp at a certain bracket and gearing up to levels xp on players can’t reach. Freehold boosting is just a major flaw of level scaling, which should have never been added to the game to begin with. Sure, ill agree that boosting is an exploit, why not.

Fix the exploit and punish the offenders and not ruin other people’s fun?

I never said being a twink was an exploit. It’s becomes an exploit when it’s used to sell carries and or PVP.


Still not accepting the fact that the xp off option was literally MADE for twinking and doing pvp by blizzard?

Yeah, that’s a mistake from me. Misread your first sentence.

Illorasworn is xp-off so she can’t outlevel Legion before finishing it. Is she a twink?

I believe it was and issue to some degree. However, there was no islands to run and they didn’t come into legion with a bag FULL of heirlooms. It was more of a PVP thing at the beginning of legion.

The xp off option was literally made so twinks can do bgs without leveling up. That is definitely not an exploit.

Extremely uncommon use of the xp off function, and not what it was originally made for, but no she isn’t.

But it was…if you were full ICC geared and you went to Hyjal or whatever you straight up 2 shot mobs compared to someone who went straight from Storm Peaks to Hyjal or whatever taking like 7 abilities.


This is the wrong solution IMO

  • Fix BFA leveling so it doesn’t feel like such a slog to level alts
  • Make twinks less powerful in scalable content so it isn’t as efficient

Why take away a choice, you don’t have to level this way if you don’t want to, and you can just add the people spamming trade to ignore. No one’s play experience was being impacted.

Then why are twinks no longer allowed to que with nontwinks in BGs?

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You still refuse to listen. Twinks are an exploit, it’s tolerated, is all.

That’s what twinks were made to do, and still do. You’re involved in this because you admitting to twinking. You have zero room to complain.

You can try and deflect, misdirect, manipulate, sing songs, etc…doesn’t change the facts.

Oi, you pair. Do not bring, arguably the greatest rock band in history, into your petty twink argument. You can have beiber, thats it.

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Due to the community complaining consistently about it, not everything that gets changed is an exploit.

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Not wrong. The xpac content is normally tuned around expac A --> expac B
Not expac A’s end raid --> expac B’s new starting zone.

There is nothing wrong with leveling in BFA it’s incredibly fast. Some ppl may not LIKE the content but it’s certainly not slow. It’s one of the fastest leveling expansions so far.


I was tired of attempting to speak to a brick wall my bad


The ONLY way to “remove” twinking entirely without doing things like this exp stuff (which I think shouldn’t happen EITHER) is to greatly increase how hard mobs scale with your IL. That would have probably 100x more backlash than this especially since the forums complain about ILVL scaling already.