Parsing Overrated

Its more so dps dont like to wait that 1.5 seconds as the tanks get aggro and position the mobs. Misdirect helps prevent an over eager dps who is aiming for that parse from pulling aggro on pull.

To each their own but we have legit never had to MD for the adds on anything. same with tranq shot as well, never needed it.

Trank isn’t really needed in naxx because of how easy it is, but its habbit to trank for me so i still end up doing now and then without even meaning to. Now in ulduar onward, trank is 100% going to be something you want to use as it won’t be nearly as forgiving.

removing it from your rotation/bar will probably keep you from wasting the GCD to use it. Can’t think of a single fight in Naxx that would need it.

You threw out a lot of examples of abilities that you just don’t/shouldn’t be using or needed beyond mark as a defensive response. Wondering if people actually needed to use those or not. My ret is played as support so I was interested to see if you actually used hunter utility creatively or not.

Ulduar I don’t think will really need tranq shot or MD’s as I don’t recall ever needing them in the past when I did the content. Which overall is sad that we have classes with these abilities and they just never need to be used beyond extreme fringe cases.

I dont remember fully if trank is needed in ulduar. I think the cat bosses adds might have it, but i dont remember fully on that. I do remember distracting shot+detterance being great for it.

MD is alright for pulling Auriaya as that’s the hardest part of the fight. The hunter has to be fast on their MD+FD for it though otherwise the defenders melt them, just as they would a normal tank pulling, the cats HURT.
The easy strat as I remember it, is to just drop an AOE in her path and then LOS the pull. So like a death and decay or have a skilled mage/lock do it. IIRC tho the cats can be stunned in both 10 and 25 though, so I bet that’s what people go for in the end.

parsing is the only thing keeping this game relevant for a large portion of the player base

DPS who parse high aren’t dying, buddy. I couldn’t care less what my DPS are doing as long as they are doing big dam and not standing in fire. You have assigned raid healers for a reason.

And amateur athletes that take their “competitions” too seriously is a common enough meme. You do you man but I’ll continue to chuckle at you. I wouldn’t chuckle if you and those of your ilk hadn’t spent the whole of the classic experience acting childish, being trolls and belittling players that understand classic WoW is not an e-sport.

what does trying to parse even mean there isn’t any gimmicks the most gimmicky thing you do is prepot, i don’t do anything weird i just play the class normally and im pretty sure i parse above average

I dont like parsley, im more of a mashed potato kind of guy.

What does this even mean to you??

There is no huge effort, use consumables and do your rotation and don’t stand in stuff that kills you isn’t “max effort” it’s literally the MINIMUM EFFORT.

Stuff like chicken buffs and other odd try hard things like using transmutation buffs from cloth or spell stealing off mobs then zone in to kill a boss is try hard.

You’re literally doing the bare minimum by showing up and doing your rotation with consumables…imagine thinking that’s somehow try hard.


“Guys kill shot lit up so I pressed it a few times, i went really really try hard this week”.



Apparently he also occasional MD’s and that is his justification for being carried.

Given that every guild now is “semi-hardcore” whatever the heck that means and requires full consumes, etc - everyone is actually … parsing.

From personal experience the only difference between a non parser and a parser or whatever you call them, is the attitude once things are on farm. When our shaman had drums, the other mage in our guild would follow him everywhere during the fight. I told him he could have all the innervates. Me, I’d rather just chill and stand there. The boss is going to die either way. I’m perfectly fine with my low purple parse.

I only get on people when they try to flex.

Red was in the classic AV thread talking about how he’s been a hunter for 88 years and I never played one, then I rolled one in TBCC and smoked him.

Now he gets carried in his raid team and his excuse is he doesn’t try…as if doing the bare minimum is really try harding.

You havent been watching dk parses have you? Lol.

Nothing will ever top a 99 need roll on a super simian sphere. Parsing just seems so mundane now. Its like the light of the rng gods shone down through the clouds of northrend on my poor toon and siad “this one is special, I bestow the rarest of gifts upon thee and let no one challenge you so I grant you a perfect roll. Go forth and go ape so all can see your greatness.”

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Another false statement.

Again i dont chase parses. But keep ignoring that what you value is not what i value.

Hang on a minute… You’re playing a video game differently to how someone else plays the video game and enjoying it?! What is this, you scrub git gud l2p need 99 parse for naxx or it’s unclearable.

We know, you’ve already admitted you’re lazy.