Parsing Overrated

/shrug which would all be fine if you were not trying to pretend you were in some super hardcore guild.

But because you chose to give that impression people called you on it and correctly pointed out you could be doing all those things and still parsing better.

I havent been pretending this. My guild is only “hardcore” in the sence we plan on clearing all content on the hardest difficulty.

I hate how buggy these forums are on mobile, lol.

this thread is mind boggling. druid just bashin this poor dude for no reason. pve’ers are a different breed
“hey i killed the boss faster” heres ur cookie lol


Its not no reason, its because i didn’t agree with him on subjects like adding rdf, adding dual spec to tbcc, exc. He couldnt attack my arguments so he attacks me personally with half truths.

Anyway i am done posting until i can fix w/e is going on with my phone lol, now i cant even see my classic characters, even the one i am posting on now.

Expand on this concept.

Metric’s for success exist, it hurts the feelings of those with low bar goals. But it’s reality.

The only “mechanics jobs” in any raid fight right now is DK gripping sparks on Malygos. Idk what “mechanics jobs” you’re using an excuse here.

taking credit for 24 other players and not having “step into the arena” achieve makes me laugh

Sure you have, you are the one who keeps telling us how your guild forces you to min max to the extreme.

Of course we know that’s BS from your logs.

Just to clarify are you really bashing this guy for 20 posts because your WCL number is 2.9% higher?
are all your 7,000 messages similar to this?

i feel like im at the zoo watching some mysterious animal behavior


/shrug I don’t know why he even brought the discussion into this thread.

But it came up(in other threads) because he acts like he’s a pink parser in a world first guild when as you correctly pointed out he actually performs nowhere near that. And I find it amusing that when he gets called on it he tries to backtrack and claim he was “doing mechanics” as if everyone else doesn’t also do mechanics.

fascinating. enjoy your holiday

Isnt most of naxx just stand still and deliver aka tank and spank fights. Not much really needed.

Retail I understand parses due to positional requirements etc. But not Naxx 25 man.

Well, i can at least see my classic characters again.

As for this quote, that was in the discussion of adding dual spec to tbcc and how it would force people to have 2 specs for raid in tbcc, which would change how people approach raids and we are clearly seeing that in wotlkc. And yes my raid would have forced me to have a SV spec as my second spec back in tbcc. Which is where this discussion of min max and hardcore raider started. I never said i was a hardcore, but my guild does do some of the hardcore stuff, including spec swapping shenanigans for ulduar being planned.

Hes obsessed with pushing this strawman of me claiming to be in a hardcore guild. Then attacking my parses. Its vecause he cant actually dismantle my arguments so he resukts to personal attacks.

Still not a strawman :stuck_out_tongue:

You’ll get it right eventually, I don’t have faith in you though.

Level 26 lmao

Misdirects, distracting shot, trank shot, frost trap for slows, im the one thet kills the web wraps, exc.

Its a false claim to discredit my argument by misrepresing what i have said so…

How does misdirect make you parse less? You sure have a lot of excuses. Not that I care what your parse is, but seeing you defend yourself with bogus excuses is a little funny.