Parsing Overrated

Right so then you should stop talking about how much hardcore min maxxing your guild forces on you.

The discussion this came from was dual spec in tbc and me being agaist it. For those who want context.

And for wotlkc, dual spec is fine. Having multiple specs for raid is part of what wotlk experience was. My guild is forcing some healers to be flex as dps. So its doing exactly what i thought it would in tbc if it was added. And dont get me started on what the truely hardcore have been doing with dual spec shenanigans… luckily in wotlk the hunter class is designed that you dont need a SV hunter, or MM hunter or BM hunter for specific fights, so i personally wont be forced to have multiple raid specs. But in tbc that wasnt true. All raids wanted 1 SV hunter, and the rest of the hunters were supposed to be BM. So dual spec in tbcc would have changed the raiding experience. To be farther away from what it was in tbc. So, a bad change in terms of authenticity.

But hay, context is important right?

Nothing you’ve ever posted was important.
But hay, thats why youre ona level 10 sock puppet right?

I use this character to keep all forum activities on one character. Ive been asked and revealed my main multiple times. Not everyone changes forum avatars every time they change mains.

Actually no it came up again because you tried to pull the same pretend hardcore BS in RDF threads and multiple people(not even me) called you on it. At which point you admitted to being lazy.

That’s the context. Oh and the context for dual spec is the same, your guild doesn’t care about it because they’re simply not trying to min max and noone would have forced you to do anything.

Admitting to not going 100% tryhard for extreamly easy content is not the same as admitting being lazy, but keep those strawmans coming!

Just because we are not completely min maxing doesnt mean there isnt some dual spec requirements for the guilds raiders. But keep acting like you have more experience in my guild than i do!

Still not a strawman but keep trying, maybe one of these days you’ll get it right.

Or if you just call every argument you can’t counter a strawman eventually you’ll get lucky.

So not putting in my absolute best effort on easy content is somehow being lazy to you. Being lazy would be showing up and putting in the absolute minimum effort required. I put more than that in. If i was being lazy i would be gray parses every fight. Im not. So strawman.

Nope still not a strawman, you not liking the semantics I used doesn’t make it a straw man :slight_smile:

The semantic not being true or accurate to the context its used in does though.

The ability to log parses should be removed from the game. It brings nothing but toxicity to the game and community


Its very toxic which is why i dont care about it. The funny part is his Median Perf. Avg is only 3.1 points higher than mine. So its not like he has much room to talk. And as a feral druid he is very likely not getting any mechanics jobs.

This man knows how to have fun! I think we need performance metrics for all recreation. Then…and only then…can we truly be entertained!

But it is true, you don’t put in effort and let your guild carry you by your own admission.

You might not like that that makes you lazy but it does.

I have to not stand in the same stuff as you do :stuck_out_tongue:

Although knowing you you probably just stand it and die so you can just afk for the rest of the fight and get handed loot.

Look, people enjoy basketball at all levels of proficiency from the Special Olympics to the Olympics. So it is with WoW.

Except i never said that. Not putting in the maximum effort does not equal lazy. I still put in more effort than the difficulty level of the content requires.

By your own “definition” of how you are defining lazy, you arent using flame caps for that 0.1% dps increase, so you are being lazy! You are not summoning trents before every pull and then spec swaping back to feral, so you are being lazy! Why are you so lazy not doing everything in your power to maximize your parse on extreamly easy content? Stop being lazy!

Do you get it yet? Not putting 100% effort in doesnt equal lazy. It just means its not my absolute best.

The difference is unlike you I’ve never tried to give the impression I am a hardcore min maxxer.

Which is of course why people pulled up your logs in the first place and called you out.

Do you misdirect, trank shot, distracting shot and take adds to tanks, Do you have to kill webs on the spider boss, exc? No? That effects my parses. I use distracting shot multiple times a raid to keep people alive when they make a mistake on aggro or the tank was CCed by something, exc. I dont aim for parses, i aim for the success of the group, that invludes covering for mistakes others made on aggro, general boss mechanics, exc.

Tell me on the mind control boss in military wing, have you ever taunted to save a priest from getting killed as the MC drops (usually because someone forgot to turn shadow resust aura off)? Do you know that boss can be distracting shot+deterrenced (at the last 2% usually) as the MC targets get dropped so they die easier.

There is lots of little things a hunter can do to make a fight much smoother for the raid as a whole. I enjoy doing those things. I dont enjoy chasing parses.

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I was in retail, i have stated many times i am being much more casual in classic. Doesnt mean my guild doeent do some of the hardcore aspects, like requiring dual spec flex roles from people.

Also, forums acting weird. It logged me out and now on logging back in i cant access any of my non classic characters. So thats going to make replying to people a pain from who i was talking to on other posts…