Parsing Overrated

Top tier troll thread from the OP who never replied a single time

There’s no winning an argument on the internet. Just those who argue and those who eat :popcorn:

And then there is Chuck Norris, who doesn’t use web standards as the web conforms to him.

big parsers “play game to its fullest” and claim proudly to be good at the game yet very rarely pvp at all

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As a top Holy Paladin DPS Karazhan parser, (all phases) can you guys please not talk about parses unless you have at least five 100 parses?


You might want to get your thoughts in order here…

Personally the only thing I care about is progressing through the tier. Getting new bosses down as a team. Classic hasn’t had a ton of difficult content so I get why people want to freak out about speed clears or parses more, but I couldn’t care less. The most fun I’ve had so far was SWP, which I would have enjoyed more if the first 4 bosses weren’t filled with trolly mechanics. I actually really enjoyed M’uru and KJ prog though, and KT from T5 was also fun.

Once raid content is down, once we’re on farm I’ve pretty much checked out. Show up, do my rotation, hope for my drops, tell really bad dad jokes, and wait for next tier. I absolutely couldn’t care less to fill my bar with 99s, and it’s not because I have no desire to be good or “play my fullest” but because the fun part is already over for me.

Hopefully this new content puts up enough of a challenge for a lot of the playerbase that people become less concerned with showing off on farm content, and become more concerned with being able to say their guild overcame difficult content, even if that means they only kill it once before the next tier drops.

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I couldn’t care less how I perform. I’m just laughing at how good you think you are and how you keep claiming how easy 99s are yet you seem to struggle to get in the 90s on an easy fight in an easy raid playing an easy spec :joy::joy::joy::joy:

Not sure why you think that playing the game to its fullest requires making numbers change color on a third party web site.


Tell me you’ve never parsed above gray without telling me you’ve never parsed above gray

Always the people hiding behind low lvl toons saying the most :rofl:

Chuck Norris is the only one to ever get a parse over 100.


always enjoy your posts, even if i disagree with some of the stuff you post. always putting people in their place

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Do you tell girls at the bar about your parses?

No he tells them about yours, its good to open up with a good joke when picking up woman.

The parses he hasn’t seen? Tbh I don’t talk about warcraft because I understand women, or let alone anyone else on the planet doesn’t care about my imaginary competition numbers in a 15 year old game for Boomer’s.

Ah youre single.

this man parses!


Single and ready to mingle. Not parsing and holding down the local whale with stories of my wow parses :joy::joy::joy::joy:

Arms war in an all Dwarf guild =D ! Bet we have more fun than that guild that parses special colors.

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Yeah your 2.5 hour naxx must be Lit.