Parses/raider IO/sims are whats killing wow

I don’t care about the OP specifically, however, the points he raises are valid, too many people rely too heavily on logs, parsing and a half dozen other other out of game metrics, the game is completely soulless at high level play at this point, and I think it’s unhealthy for the game overall.

casual doesn’t mean it’s impossible to fail. at any group content where it’s possible to fail due to somebody not playing decently, it’s reasonable for the group to ask that person to improve or sit.

Warcraft logs are literally a joke to manipulate if your guild mates work together on it.

My guild healers including myself have literally made it a meme to get each other orange logs. We do fights with 1 healer less than you normally do them at or take turns on who during the week gets to blow all their big raid wide healing cds throughout the entire fight or have the other healers not heal as much.

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I’m geared for pvp and not optimized at all and we still killed everything.

What am I supposed to do, grind mythic plus for weeks to get raid stats just to raid? Lol

Mechanics > dps

Argument is invalid

Officially banned, but also unenforced. Their world first groups were all using ACT (damage meter) plus Cactbot (DBM/BW) or Triggernometry (WA), and no one in those groups got banned for it even though the game director has certainly seen the VODs.

This is very much a fact. I will not call them completely worthless but their value for determining whos good and not is quite low.

Are you actually trying to justify why your DPS was was lower than the tanks while EVERY OTHER DPS in the raid didn’t have that trouble while doing mechanics?!?

Here, I am a DPS doing heroic content. I have to avoid all the same mechanics as you did but I sure the hell am still out damaging our tanks

Look you have some kind of rotational issues with your play style. I am sure if you took a minute and asked in the rogue discord or just reviewed some guides it would become clear and you would be doing far better. Nothing personal but this is totally a “you” issue.

No its not

Mechanics > dps always

Hang on let me mess every mechanic up and wipe the raid because I’m trying not to get a grey parse in a random heroic raid that means nothing

Especially on heroic which is easy. I’m there to get gear to do more dps

yes that’s what being carried means: your group succeeded in spite of your presence, not because of it

Until you’re underperforming compared to literally everyone else in your group. Then you’re just a carry.

Also if you’re in PvP gear, Vers is Outlaw’s best stat. It’s currently your second highest, so that doesn’t excuse your low numbers.

Face it: you’re not a good player. And that’s okay to admit, so long as you actively work to improve and get better. Everyone starts out as bad.


Dude, click the freaking link. I am doing way more damage than you as a melee DPS that has to deal with the exact same mechanics. If I can do it, so the hell can you.

I’m not facing anything lol.

It was my first time this tier raiding and I killed it!

You were carried, actually. Which kudos to the group for keeping you around that whole time.

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Hahah i love silly comments they bring me joy :joy:

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There is a minimum dps requirement that the group must maintain in order to down a boss prior to the enrage timer. If a player does less than that amount then yes they are being carried. That said, if the dps requirement is 7k dps for example and everyone else is pulling 13k dps, one person doing 7.3k dps is not being carried and should not be looked down apon.

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I’m aware. They’re not as widely used though.

I’d also imagine if you got removed from a group and the one removing you said it was because your dps was trash - I’d imagine it would be enforced, but thats just my opinion.

right but that’s not what happened here

he’s basically saying “i auto-attacked the entire fight but we had a couple people doing 8k+ so we still killed it, therefore my performance was good”


I’m pretty sure that doing zero dps is a carry

Putting me on outlaw when I’m a pvp player and not doing top dps in 205 itemlvl gear is not a carry

In fact many of the pulls I started off top 10

How am I to compete with boomkins casting convoke

Right. But what about a group where everyone else is pulling 3.5k, and then there’s one single person sitting at 1.8k? For our SLG kill most of our DPS are above 3.5k. The lowest is 2.7k and he’s a melee doing mechanics. But he’s still above the tanks, who also pull above 2.0k.

Holy wow the top ten!!! Brah you’re amazing

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