Parses/raider IO/sims are whats killing wow

You’re on the bottom 20th percentile.

Take two seconds to think about how bad is that: It means that 80% of the WCL universe is better than you. You’re not just below average, you’re below below average. Think about that.

You’re doing a huge disservice to yourself by being so stuborn.


This dude literally called himself a pvp player with 1 match in a rbg and no arena at all im dying, 10/10 op my new favorite troll


And how many rogues have done cn on heroic? Probably not many worldwide cus rogues are not the best melee

So I’m bottom 20 against a small sample pool

If every rogue on earth did cn on heroic id probably be in the top 40 percent which is not bad!

That’s the thing, your parses aren’t comparing you to a Boomkin. You’re being compared to other Outlaw Rogues, which means you’re in the bottom percentile of all Outlaw Rogues.

Instead of being stubborn, consider why that might be and learn from it.

You’re at the bottom of 20,901 Outlaw parses.


It would be enforced. SE demonstrably doesn’t care if you use it, but if you reference it in game regarding another player’s performance you’ll have action against you if they report it. It’s being enforced more as “anti-harassment” than anti third-party tools.

Don’t know, don’t care…

Over the years, couple of times.


Not really…

If there’s one word on this forum that I could ban it would be tied with this and Casual

And sometimes that’s still not enough you have to pump out the DPS and/or heals… To defeat certain bosses…

Unless you get satisfaction from being carried from your team…

Then why &itch about it

Are battlegrounds not a form of pvp?

Please use your brain for once

Hey now don’t be mean you’re my new favorite troll so please respect me as I’m your number one fan

But Tonietta, it is all the boomkins fault!

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I’m sorry, I can’t continue this without insulting your intelligence, and I don’t want to do that.

That said, I’ll leave you with 2 final advices:

  1. Look into this:–Kruger_effect

  1. “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” - Albert Einstein.

You should think about this too.

Best of luck.


What does the boss health say the minimum dps requirement is? Patchwerk in Classic required a raid dps total of 9500. Obviously tanks do some dmg but in this case divide it by the number of dps members you have. This will vary on raid composition but it is somewhere around 370-395 per dps role player. If the player is above that number they are NOT being carried. That is a fact. You can say they are underperforming, you can not want them in your raid, but none of that changes the fact they are doing the job they need to do and performing at an acceptable level.

If that raid was filled with players that played like you did… The boss would not have died. Period. That’s the definition of a carry. You did not pull your weight. You were carried.

What’s the difference between an error and a mistake? An error only turns into a mistake when you refuse to acknowledge and correct it.

You made plenty of errors during that encounter… your dogged determination to assume that you pulled your weight is however… a huge mistake. In the past thread someone mentioned that was your guild that dropped you. If it was… they made the right decision. Particularly with the attitude that your currently demonstrating in regards to this discussion.

You will not learn, regardless of what evidence is shown to you. You’re a liability for reasons entirely other than your performance.

I refuse to believe that Rio is such a problem when this thread keeps popping over and over again. Hell, with just the likes on this one OP, you’d have enough to make 7 groups and have extras.

Last monday I had to pug a healer for a 14 SoA. 2 healers applied. One 203 and one 214. Of course I chose the 214!!! Choosing the other one would have been dumb and counter-productive.

Now imagine that with the popular dps role. You are a rogue. You offer basically nothing. Your cc can’t be done in combat. Your shroud can be replaced with potions. And you’re competing against 20 others dps more useful and geared than you are.

Rio is a boogeyman.

I gotta ask as I’m super curious , why yall keep feeding this dude. Its pretty obvs this is bait

I really don’t care what you like

Just stop typing LOL

And yet, the average dps for players on that fight for people playing outlaw rogues is twice as high as yours. Not the top end. The average.

Not everyone is out to pad the meters

It has nothing to do with you not being optimized. Even in pvp gear you should be out dpsing the tanks.

They’d have to ban the majority of people doing the savage and extremes while they were relevant to enforce it at this point. So as long as they aren’t using it to shame other players Yoshi P isn’t going to do anything about it.

Turns out lots of people can dps and do mechanics at the same time, and again your DPS is less than half the average of people playing outlaw. Most people who have a gray parse, only had a gray parse because they died at some point in the fight. You were alive the whole time. You should have at least beat the tanks.

The OP is doing less dps than a tank. They could have brought a 3rd tank and accomplished the same goal, probably easier because the tank wouldn’t need as much in the way as healing.

Hey brah I respect your troll game you doing good

I’m not going to look too closely at your logs because I don’t know anything about rogues, but you’re going to have a hard time competing with any Boomkin’s covenant ability when you don’t even use your own covenant ability.

In the 3 logs I looked at, you don’t have a single cast of Echoing Reprimand. You have issues beyond gear and mechanics.

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Sorry I don’t click links. I have no way of verifying if the logs people are referring to are even accurate because its a third party program that I don’t support using.

I’m more frustrated my own guild kicked me when I’m new to retail raiding this patch and was focusing more on not dying.

But hey, as I said before I don’t care at all about parses because they are meaningless

Let me have perfect positioning and rotational use and xooldown usage while focusing on mechanics I did research on only hours before the fight?

But is that fair to put on other people? To have a DPS, especially in this case what looked to be a random person, pulling less than tanks on every fight?

If people are willing to carry, sure. We carried someone last week, we made that choice. But what about in a random pug? (Correction: they were a trial in a raid group.) When some of the wipes were close enough that everyone pulling their weight would have succeeded?

The thing is, the OP believes themselves to be better than their performance indicates. I’m all for credit where it’s due, when someone is removed incorrectly. But in this situation, the OP isn’t looking to improve, they’re looking to blame the group for removing them when they had every right for their poor performance.

Especially given they didn’t actually perform as well on the boss they were kicked from despite saying they did.