aka - antifun
Even the vast majority of dps in LFR out dps the tanks.
Do you even know the whole story or are you taking the OP at face value? Let me fill you in.
- The OP in a different thread claimed that he was doing low DPS but was the only one doing mechanics on Heroic Stone Legion Generals. Turns out when looking at the logs, that not only were they not the only one doing mechanics, but if only 1 person was doing mechanics on H SLG, the group would have wiped guaranteed.
- It wasn’t just that they were doing low dps. They were doing low dps on every boss in the raid, and on H SLG specifically, they did less DPS than one of the tanks.
No, because I don’t play with losers, and losers go online to be tough strong boys with big numbers because they are… well… losers in real life.
Yes there are A LOT of them these days now that computer gaming has become forced down the throats of the normies but hey, the pendulum swings both ways.
Or one could say they are “pro-bad”?
if that’s how you make yourself feel better about being terrible at stuff, have fun
This is the only thing I’d ever give FF14 credit for.
is their company hard cracks down on this behavior.
It’s okay to track your own metrics and attempt to do better or be better. However shaming other players with statistics will get you in trouble, and if you continually do it, outright banned.
too many people let this game get run by sims and third party sites, and do nothing but follow whatever meta they see at the top, ignoring the fact unless your pushing bleeding edge content, none of it matters.
WoW has always been a casual game, since inception, and I believe it should stay that way.
The OP’s problem is easily solved. Join a guild that raids simply for the experience. There are plenty of guilds whose goal is only goal is to complete normal raids and have a good time. But if you want to progress further you simply have to do more. Just they way it works.
I wouldn’t call FFXIV “pro-bad” they do have some difficult fights. They don’t want to deal with this exact situation. Where someone was kicked for being bad and then them trying to blame some unjustified boogeyman of elitism for the reason why they were kicked.
Def could say that. I don’t mind using meters and judging based off that but I do feel like were leaning more towards systems and addons that complicate things more than they need to be.
Except no one shamed the OP. He was benched for poor performance and then came here because he was upset. When people pointing out his issue, he took offense. Look people may not like being told that they are bad at doing something and there is probably a better way of telling them but that still doesn’t change the fact that they are bad at it.
Instead of getting upset over it, people should try and figure out how to improve. Then they don’t have won’t have to deal with that any more.
if that’s how you make yourself feel better about being terrible at stuff, keep postin’
So just raid with other people who don’t care. See how far you get.
For anyone unfamiliar with SLG on Heroic, if the group is not doing mechanics it is a very fast wipe. This boss is the most mechanic heavy fight in the dungeon (at least on Heroic, I don’t know about Mythic) and while not hard, it ends very quickly if people are failing to perform mechanics. The crux of this matter is the other DPS in the OP’s group were able to perform better DPS numbers and perform the mechanics, while the OP can only do mechanics while failing DPS.
People still use logs. So long as they don’t mention someone’s actual numbers, they can kick people for low DPS for something like “I didn’t see you casting enough.”
If people were willing to actually learn from their mistakes and play at the level that requires this type of care, these types of tools wouldn’t be needed. It goes both ways, it’s not just those interested in using the tools at fault for this.
In the end, players need to consider what level of content they want to play at and realize that to push into higher difficulties, you need to actually care about your performance or you’re a hinderance to your group, or even the cause of making a fight statistically impossible. To clear that higher content, those around you do care about their performance, and it’s not fair to them to carry someone who just wants to be carried and puts in no effort.
Tanks are constantly attacking the boss whereas I have to run around like a chicken with its head cut off to avoid aoe
Not surprised tank did more damage than I
That does not refute my argument at all
This is not the reason at all, and it’s not the only fight you were below the tanks.
WoW is a casual game. Always has been always will be, the injection of elitism in every day gameplay in a negative in my mind, and you’ll never change that.
Seriously, “Waaa Waaa waaa, Not fair!!! They’re trying to be better at the game than me”
Could be this Marxist “Everyone needs to be equally bad” attitude is more damaging than people trying to play to the best of their ability.
Unlike real communism if you try to force equality of outcome here people can vote with their feet and leave.
It is a causal game with differing levels of content difficultly. No one is saying the OP can’t enjoy the game but if he wants to tackle the more difficult content, he needs to be able to perform at that level.
Then the OP should stay at Normal. That’s where casual in this game ends. Blizzard added difficulty for those who actually want a challenge, thus Heroic, Mythic, and high M+ keys. Because not everyone is content with playing mediocre and simple fights.