literally everyone in my raid guild in Vanilla had a dps meter.
Well you can actually look at a parse and notice immediate issues with rotations or burning cool downs at the wrong part of a fight. There is even a site that you can use to review a parse and help determine what key mistakes you are making and offering suggestions upon what to change.
Parses are a tool, it is up to you to use them correctly and to learn from them.
7-10 ish. I don’t mind downgrading keys if we fail the timer. As long as we get some loot.
First of all, after checking your logs and raider io, yes you are a very low skill player. Half of your logs are single digits, and the other half are barely reaching 20%. You do realize if everyone in your group was that bad, you would NEVER kill a boss. If your guild called you out, it’s because you clearly lack understanding of your class. Even worse, your logs based off item level are basically ALL single digits, minus two logs where you parsed bare minimum for green. Your guild is carrying you hard.
Now when it comes to keys, clearly you don’t care that much who comes. You even paid for a carry to complete a +10. An entire 1700+ team from quelthelas sold you a run. Why buy a run if you can time things so easily? You’re fabricating toxicity out of thin air because you want to be carried through content. Parses, IO scores and all similar tools are great for players to learn how to improve and get the right people to push higher and higher content. Don’t be toxic about systems because you perceive them as harmful to your lack of ability.
The other night we had 15 raiders for our first Heroic Sludgefist kill. 15 million HP, divided across 9 DPS, all of which had to be delivered before the fifth heedless charge. Came out to requiring the DPS to do ~1.6 million damage, each, in that time frame. Of course with the tank damage, and the healers trying to do a bit of damage between healing casts, that gave a bit more wiggle room, but not much.
We ended up with at least two wipes with Sludge less than 200k hp left.
Point is, it IS a numbers game. You can’t do the numbers, the boss doesn’t fall down.
Sludge died when we did the numbers. That means two things:
- Everyone had to do mechanics or die. One death meant not enough DPS. Even with battle rez that was still a severe DPS loss that could threaten the entire pull
- Everyone had to maximize their character’s numbers. If even one person in that raid was doing less than the tanks, Sludge would not have died.
Do mechanics AND do DPS. Bosses then fall down. The keyword there was AND. That was not an OR statement.
I’m sorry but if someone’s DPS is below the tanks and the next boss has a strict DPS check . . . they’re gone. Unless the raid group is willing to carry, that one person is a detriment to the success of the other 9-29 people.
No good raid leader wants to bench poorly performing players, but sometimes that decision just has to be made for the other people in the raid.
you were at the boss about 80% of the fight. You were not running around like a headless chuck. The logs replay shows it. Dont even try to lie about it.
That’s how much you should be doing dps on a perfect world. You’re doing less than half of that. So yes it’s a you problem
also you said you’re running around. Here a heavy movement sim
you’re too nice. I’d keep him in lfr
Some people seem to get the idea that dps doesn’t matter as much as knowing mechanics, and I think I know why that is.
Up until you really start pushing the last few heroic bosses and into mythic, the dps checks are fairly tame, with the limiting factor being mechanic execution more than anything. The pugs up until then see far more criticism about mechanic execution than dps numbers so they think that their failing is just execution of fight mechanics.
Maybe they just dont realize there are dps checks in many fights? Like more healing doesnt make up for not dps’ing sludgefist fast enough. Enrages/Soft-enrages may not be clicking with them.
Knowing mechanics is more important, but that doesn’t mean DPS isn’t important. You always need both.
But yeah, there aren’t very many hard DPS checks in N CN and H CN. Sludge and Sire are the only ones that come to mind atm, other than the softer “kill it before mechanics overwhelm you” checks.
Nooo… I wasn’t comparing.
Y’know what? Never mind.
We’re talking about heroic raiding and you’re talking about dungeons…
That could be fun. If I’m on I’m down to run some
feel free to add me Idaelus#1433
this has always been a thing
as people mentioned gear checks in IF in classic
Gearscore in Wrath
its a part of the game, except it and move on.
I don’t think wow is dying so…
I am pretty sure I could get into a mythic key or nearly any level if I wanted too. I dont like doing dungeons all that much though so I dont really try.
The key is to recognize a lot of your denials are not because of your raider io score but because you are the 9 millionth dps.
The best practice is to reload the group finder, apply to 2 or 3 groups near the top (personally I only apply to groups with either a tank/heal already in it). Reload and do it again with new groups. If you arent denied within a minute or two cancel your request and move on. timers ticking down mean the person IS possibly being very very picky and even if he gets to your position on the list if your score is low you wont be selected. So cancel, reload, reapply to new groups.
rinse repeat
You should get a group of any mythic key level within 5-10 minutes.
Just bumping this up for… reasons.
No it’s not
It’s not.
People find pushing stuff fun.
The problem is the FOMO attached to the mindset of needing to min-max to succeed in even lower end content. It removes any semblance of experimentation unless you’re at the very top. You can’t treat the game like a slow exploration RPG anymore unless you’re extremely casual, and it’s boring.
I go play Kleia in random BGs and I have 1800 players telling me I’m… doing something wrong?
It’s exhausting.
I try and up my Parses every week for farm content. I think its great
Hmm… I like that link.
I am improving in my parses. Whilst not great, I am better than I realised.
Last raid was all green and blue. Not a single grey.
(I suppose I am a “toxic” player the OP doesn’t like. Oh well. I like been competent).
Jesus the op is going to be in for some pain come this weekend