oh my god you HAVE to be trolling
It is likely when someone does less than a tank they are not pulling their weight. I grant you that. It still does not change however the fact that if, and I say IF they are above the minimum threshold in order to down a boss they are not being carried. There is a bare minimum to down a boss prior to enraging and that alone determines if someone is pulling their weight or not.
the OP does dumpster tier dps, nothing about him trying to justify why he shouldn’t be kicked from groups that want to succeed is valid.
And sorry, but if someone wants to be that bad at wow, they need to find friends willing to carry them, not expect random strangers to do it in pugs, then get all surprised pikachu faced when people boot them.
The log in question has been evaluated extensively. The player in question was performing well below the required amount to kill that boss… If the raid was filled with him, they wouldn’t have killed the first goliath.
Jeez in still trying to figure out all the aoe in SLG that makes you run around with your head cut off. I mean there’s so red swirls to side step and some brown swirls to side step but nothing I can thing of you gotta move like crazy…hmm anyone help me out here
Okay, here’s where maybe the guild could be at fault. Did you tell them it was your first time? Did they fully remove you from the guild afterwards, or did they sit you to down a boss they had already progressed on? Did you react poorly to being benched? What happened HERE and that might shed better light on this situation.
You’re not going to win this argument. Just admit you’re bad and that you want to improve and move on…
I don’t think it’s about winning. I’m pretty sure OP likes the abuse.
So your guild brought a new player to a raid that clearly wasn’t ready.
You know what you can do now instead of complaining on the forums?
Go beat on a target dummy until the correct rotation is so inexorably melded into your brain you don’t have to think about it.
These are also good questions to answer.
He’s either trolling or looking for sympathy. But its like brah your guild carried you for 9/10 like they benched on a boss they couldn’t carry you so instead of whining get better and get in there next week jeez. It ain’t nbd to be benched for a week or 2 on a harder boss that requires everyone to pull their weight
I actually used this page to help me become familiar with mechanics:
I don’t think mechanics were really their issue just looking at the replay. Looks more like a rotational issue.
So just an update to distance myself from this toxicity im going to be using my own personal keys on my main and my alt this Saturday to help people get some groups. I don’t care about my dps as long as my group does mechanics in the dungeon im happy. Don’t care about beating rhe timer. Even though its easy to do so.
Look for me in group finder on Saturday.
It still could help. If that was the first time they saw the boss, then the mechanics aren’t natural yet. If those become muscle memory, perhaps the rotation could be their focus.
Then where, pray tell, do the hardcore MMO players reside?
I tried to warn you over and over: You’re bringing this upon yourself by refusing to see reality.
One thing is being terrible and not caring, the other is being terrible, thinking you did good, and crying an ocean of salt because others didn’t want to carry you.
These dumpster fires are 100% on you.
What key level?
I could be down for some on a Saturday
I believe in optimizing your character as best you can for the level of content you do but I have never checked parses (or bothered to learn how to do it). If someone in a raid or run is doing poorly and needs guidance it’s usually observable
wrong. nobody knew what parses were in vanilla, addons were rare like recount.
Parses and Sims are useful tools when you are aiming to improve. Raider IO is just PUG security for folks.