Parses/raider IO/sims are whats killing wow

delet raider io it is bad it make the elitse go all mad , tell u cant do , ur a bad job ! but urnt ur a good job

Wrong. I had a dps meter and people whispered me all the time how they did.

That’s how I knew I’d be top on a boss while another rogue was #25.

Sure - there was no WCL to compare against people globally like there is now. But you definitely could track damage within your raid or group.

Try again.

How can you help anyone when you are barely doing relevant content yourself

All of the things you mentioned are just tools.

The real problem is the tools that use them.

Look up wowhead/icy veins

Look at your class spec/enchants/consumes/rotations/conduits/legendary

Look up a couple guides on YouTube if you have to about how to play your spec

Play the spec, do good dps

Pretty easy tbh

I commend you for walking the talk and wish you luck. You will need it.
I have done experiments with low io groups before in bfa and never got 1/3rd of the way without people leaving so I wish you all the luck in the world.

You are actually a noob. What the hell kind of post is this? If you are gray parsing what that means is your damage compared to other people that play the same spec as you was awful.
Raider IO is not artificially generated. Its aa tool that shows you what experience people habe in what dungeons on what key level. Jesus.