There is no ideal- there is only subjectivity. You like what you like, I like what I like. Nobody seems to be okay with that anymore, we all have to like everything. It’s ridiculous.
Also lol at this statement - how come every time you see someone talk about diversity they just mean “not white”
Here, here my Pandaren comrade.
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I think we should keep Vulpera, Tauren, and Worgen, too. Especially when Worgen get tails!
It could be a little bit less “my opinion is fact” and would still be too much.
Undead ladies are the real everything.
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we all know aliens are smarter and cuter.
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heh, I’m sure pandarians are rife with heart disease too.
Draenei are cute but you’re too… Horn-y.
they are fat blubberpots.
I wouldn’t call Pandarians “fat”, just when you walk past them, you get a load screen.
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nah your kind is more like heftyily plump.
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This kind of thinking is how I know you have a cuddle deficit
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Everyone needs cuddles! They’re part of a balanced breakfast
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Well, IRL around the World you might take a sample of how “fat” means huge (pun intended) different things.
A fat person for the average Chinese is not the same even as to the average Thai, and both do not compare to what fat means to Westerners in general, specially US people.
So, cant say Pandaren is or isnt fat “as a fact”.
What they are is badly adequate to the armors presently in game.
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pandaren are icky if they are played by me. I suck. Otherwise they’re cool.
chrisp the guy who should break his body in two
Anyone with a Pandaren character is awesome! You’re awesome!
i heard people in canada loved panderan for warmth.
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