stay away from me you furry fatty. i will not let you ruin my perfection.
Agreed. All races except night elf are unnecessary and should be deleted.
no chili fries for you sam…
Good delete chili fries too
I don’t know what all this is but Pandaren Females have the biggest fruit basket so they get my vote
I agree with everything you say.
Sumtingwongs on Barthilas owes me a million gold.
I’ll say this I do love their curvy thickness.
You cannot talk down Elves, because you are then “Elvenphobic”
You cannot talk down Pandaren, because you are then “fat shaming”
You cannot talk down Humans, because “they are humans”.
I admit I too think someone who talk down Taurens are really nuts because they are so nice. That one I let go.
Now everyone can take cracks at Orcs, Undead and Trolls because “You are supposed to”.
However …
Troll females are the sexiest ones. The Orc females are the “tomboy” ones, favorites of a certain public.
The undead are even Blizzards trash talk punching bag, even our jokes make us look bad.
thats not how you spell blood elf.
If you make a panda only mythic raid team on barth ill dump a mil in the gbank xx
Agree on the Panda ladies being the perfect ideal point but as far as deleting the other races goes:
I hate these positive body image stuff
So a commercial for a show called my big fat fabulous life is disgusting that’s why a lot of American girls are fat these days it’s nothing to be proud of just lose the weight and get fit it’s not healthy to be fat and it promotes laziness that’s what’s wrong with America today
Pandas are supposed to be big anyway
Kultirans Remind me of a big fat homeless guy that lives down the street from me he goes out to the park wash is in self with wet washcloth in the middle of the park (Who wants to take their kids to the park and see that)
I know it’s just a game but seriously people need to stop with his positive body image crap go eat a salad get on the treadmill do some walking but being proud to be overweight that is got to stop:doughnut:
As a pandaren, I must disagree. Please dont promote this.