Pandaren Ladies Are The Ideal

Pandaren women check all the boxes for an inclusive (and every other imaginable) ideal:

We’re not little twiggy elves that promote unhealthy body images. We have a vaguely Asian accent that promotes diversity. We are capable of choosing what faction to join, promoting inclusivity and cooperation among the playerbase. We don’t participate in the problematic and sometimes painful act of body hair removal due to societal expectations, showing that bodies are beautiful without taking a razor to them. We are the most adorable and objectively the single best race in the game. Out of game, Pandaren players are the nicest, most humble, and most successful people.

With these statements as indisputable fact, I therefore propose the following:

  1. Give Pandaren every class option
  2. Focus all further cosmetic design efforts on Pandaren cosmetic choices
  3. Redesign all armor appearances in the game to best suit the Pandaren form
  4. Design all armor appearances going forward entirely around Pandaren
  5. Delete every other race because they are unnecessary

I think that everyone on and off the forums can agree that this is the best way to promote inclusivity. If you disagree then you just need to think harder about why you are wrong.

Thank you for your time.


My past biostatistics Professor would be having conniption fits with all of your “proof”.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You do you, though, darlin’. Although… I’d say femme dorfs - we can hold our ale better, aye?


Yes. Finally. Pandaren Druids.


It is healthy for a panda in real life to weigh as much as they do. Kul Tirans, on the other hand, don’t have that excuse, and they’re even chubbier.


Agree with all points except number 5.

You might think this, but you only have to consider the evidence given in game to realize this wouldn’t be the case.

Dwarven bars are featured in only one section of one dungeon, and it is tiny and nobody likes being there.

Pandaren alcoholism brewery is featured as the entirety of one dungeon, which is everyone’s favorite dungeon, and prevalent through our whole society.

Therefore, Pandaren are also the superior drinkers.

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Let’s compromise and delete all the thalassian elves.


Well, now you’ve just started a full blown war between dorfs and pandas…

Oh… wait…

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That’s impossible. Pandaren automatically win any war we engage in on account of being too cuddly and adorable to fight.

Please remember that our society was perfect and flawless until everyone else showed up to ruin the place. Not even an Old God… Part… Thing… Wanted to mess with us!


jumps around cutely


Gnomes can be allowed to be featured as our pet race going forward.

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I’ll take it! :+1:

IDK about inclusive, but Panda ladies are pure eye candy for me. They are the perfect body type for my tastes.


don’t do it lady, the last time someone tried to wage war against the pandaren the entire warchief throne was cursed to be a villain bat and death machine. they got some powerful warlocks in hiding.

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I’ve edited the OP to take into account your feedback. Thank you.

Their idle animation is awful tho.

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

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Oh my god.

I don’t see a single Pandaren in any of these pictures, your point is invalid.


Wait, wait… So this whole Sylvanas going bonkers and burning Nelves alive and such - this was all the Panda’s doing, just from a roundabout way?

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