Palworld how is it

People have been asking for an Open World Multiplayer/MMO Pokemon for YEARS. We’ll see what GameFreak does now. Cause this isn’t the first time a game like this has popped up.

TemTem tried to take a bite out of the Pokemon Apple…it didn’t really succeed all that much.


Looks like an interesting bit of drama in terms of AI vs established corporations, assuming things go that far.

Interesting which way things could go.

Edit: I type gooder.

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It’s funny how the companies that use AI for literally everything… Like even so much so you can mass report abuse.

Have the audacity to say it’s made from AI.

really fun. its what i wanted in pokemon. its buggy but its ea. has a lot of potential as currently 1.2mil on steam atm playing. i love how cute these look. the vanilla evee is so cute. the only high gound pokemon has is there 1000 pokemons and palworld only plans to release 175 or so for launch so i hope for more later lol.

thought the whole ‘pokemon with guns’ isnt as big of a deal as they make it. i think like 2 have a gun, 1 is a flamethrower fox thing. good for me bc i dont wanna shoot pokemon with ars lol. its pretty much survival with pokemon.

hope it continues. tis a great game easily could be goty.

Well, depends on the AI.

The crappy free-to-use AI websites that will generate terrible fanart for you with hands out of eldritch nightmares? Yeah those are just straight up robbing artists.

An AI trained mostly in-house to assist in stuff like - in WoW’s case - updating old textures or fitting things better onto models? That’s less morally reprehensible.

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Totally moral use of AI.

It’s just hate on a company because they are doing well. Just like Baldur’s Gate 3.

‘Hands out of eldritch nightmares’ :dracthyr_crylaugh: Amazing. And not innacurate.

Remember how automation has been eating away at lower middle class jobs for half a century or more? It finally hit the urban middle class and is making slow but terrifying inroads into the upper middle class, and now that it might start eating their economic value rather than contribute to it, they’ve turned on a dime and decided automation is the ULTIMATE EVIL. Since the middle to upper middle class is more connected to news and opinion outlets than the blue collar class, they’re writing lots of articles to cry about it.

“Just learn to code, bro.”


Can’t wait till it starts hitting the ones making the code.

It will be a great laugh knowing they worked themselves out of a job. Quite literally.

it’s going to be painful, but 200 years from now it will be for the best. AI automation and computer learning is going to bring about (virtual) post-scarcity, I’m sure of it.

With how fast we have been evolving I doubt its going to take 200 years.

I remember a day when getting a call would interrupt our internet. Now we have in-game talking bots acting as if they are humans.

The moment the suites get the chance, you don’t think they will be letting go of a lot people? Just like Google did recently?

They must have never played Conan Exiles. :innocent:

looks back

Hey! Who said you could stop dancing?

Well, I just started playing it an hour ago. I logged in, beat the crap out of a sheep and watched it roll downhill.


What even is it? It scares me almost as much as short women scare me…
No reason, just does. :laughing:

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Basically a base building game like Ark or such but on the lighter side with a bit of monster catching and battling. the monsters will work on your base to do things and there’s a really free hand to be as nice or not as you want.


The Lovander pal…damn that’s just messed up.

I just looked it up and saw a game pic of some sheep behind mah deuces…I’m sold.


i aaaalmost got it, but i watched a videogamedunkey video and it saved me 2 hours of my time. i always set a 2hr refund timer on Steam and i’m always glad to not waste time if i can avoid it.

the developers have a bad habit of not keeping things updated. maybe that’ll change with this one. but i’ll wait to play until i see some proof.

♫ Poke-mon! Gonna shoot them allllllllllll… ♫ :joy:

Seriously, it’s pretty good. It actually plays more like Ark with a bit of Factory Sim in there… And the pals you get work for free basically. Oh and there’s a paragliding chute thing because… Nintendo.

So basically, Pokemon if it’s more messed up. :grinning: And i love it. :+1:

PETA are angry at Palworld, but not at Pokemon, which btw, the idea of Pokemon is getting the animals fight each other? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

…You can play Palworld single-player. In the same way you can play Ark Single-player.