Palworld how is it

you can butcher the pals for food after you collect them lol

You teach me, I enslave you! Poke-mon!!!

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I feel like the better phrasing would be ā€œPokemon if it was more honest about the premiseā€

Nah, they did their fake pokemon game in like 2012

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Tbh, itā€™s kind of on par for Survival games, kill animals and get their meat. Itā€™s just the middleman is different. (Or the same, some allow you to Tame animals and butcher them atfer, provided if youā€™re allowed too, or get the animals out of your tribe)

Mind you, iā€™m not saying they should be mad at pokemon, infact, they should learn these are just pixels at the end of the day and hush up about it. If cops can disguish human pixels with pixel guns from irl humans with real guns, i donā€™t see why Peta canā€™t.

I just think their being rather hypocritical focusing only on Palworld, when the idea of Pokemon in general is pretty bad tooā€¦

oh i know which is so funny

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This is realy just a sign that Gamefreak has really dropped the ball on the last few Pokemon games and they are not adequately providing what their market wants. It doesnā€™t mean this type of game is the next big thing.