Palworld how is it

My son is enjoying it. He said it’s like Minecraft/fortnite/Pokémon all merged into one thing lol.

I mean all I can see are Pokémon when I see the animals. It’s pretty badly copied from it.

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Yeah that’s a way to put it.

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I’ve heard good things, and bad things about it. Watched a few videos on it. Not really My cup of tea, but I know quite a few people who are enjoying it.

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it triggers a certain audience, so it’s good.

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I thought it was alright, but not really my cup of tea. The survival/building aspects were to shallow and I never really cared for Pokeman so hunting down pets didn’t really appeal to me…

However, equipping the Pokemon with weapons and putting them to work in my camp was pretty entertaining.

If you have gamepass I think its worth giving it a go since it’s “free”

No I haven’t tried it, but here have a meme instead:

“We have Palworld at home” -Mom

Palworld at home:


It’s basically Valheim/Ark with Pokemon. Fun for what it is, they’ve posted a roadmap saying that they aim to squash things like monster AI and pathing bugs before adding things like new islands, mechanics, pals, raid bosses, etc. I’m mainly hoping that they improve the building mechanics, trying to make things like bridges and mountainside staircases is a nightmare.

I feel like the controversy some groups are stirring up is a bit overblown, but now that they have money I wouldn’t be surprised if they hire new artists to tweak some of the lazier pal designs.

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It’s the higher ups of larger AAA publishers who have been pushing live service games who have been telling players that single player/innovative games are a dead genre. The idea of players enjoying themselves without paying $20 for skins, level skips or resource packs scares them.

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Palworld is neither of these. You might be confusing it with Baldurs Gate 3.

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I remember Baldur’s Gate 1… those spiders in the cave were so scary to me.


But he did do nothing wrong.

Most of the negativity I have seen comes from players who aren’t comfy with the fact that you can catch people and put them to work for you.

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Update, just looking at the trailer and Steam Page and I think I found my gaming fix till Tdubs drops.

There’s also a seedy black market merchant hiding in a mine full of torture devices that you can vendor them to. They’re also valid targets for the “turn pals you no longer want into crafting mats” butcher knife.

I don’t care to capture human NPCs, and I don’t care to go slave-driver mode on my file, so none of that deals with me, but I’d imagine I’ve probably done things that are technically worse in other games. (going nuke-happy in any Civilization, unleashing Godzilla on my constituents in SimCity, murdering entire towns in Elder Scrolls/Fable, etc.)

Oh there are plenty of bad things you can do in multiple games. But when you can Capture humans and one of the things you can build to put them to work in is a fruit plantation…it’s Gonna raise some eyebrows about the choices the developers made.

I wouldn’t recommend Rimworld to them then. Incidentally my second ever ‘pal’ was a Wandering Merchant. He still functions as a merchant too.

The best part about this, is that Pokémon are watching it closely, and GameFreak is grumbling to themselves that the next game probably needs actual open-world content in it, instead of copy-pasting the same formula they’ve used for eons.

It’s already instantly successful because it has stuff Pokémon fans have been asking for, for years now.

There’s a game I haven’t heard of in a hot minute

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The fact that it rips off Pokemon actually makes me want to buy it even more.
Nintendo is an out of touch, terrible company that hates their community.

All my guildies be playing it, probably pick it up in a few weeks if it’s still popping off.

Rather see if its just hype or if its actually decent.