Paletress (maybe spoilers)

Um, actually I believe it is the belf players who are trying to hide their ugliness and probably create those characters to get off on something they can’t do irl. If anything playing a human means I have nothing to hide or compensate for.

The projection is strong with this one.


well, except for your niche anime kink but we already covered that.

Cristoforus, are you aware that this remark reeks of subtle transphobia, out of the implication that someone would only want to use a differently gendered bathroom for perverted reasons rather than identity reasons?

Could you maybe just stop and think about your words before you say them? Or do you just not care?

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I would need a pretty good lawyer if I wanted to sue a bathroom.

on that note Goodnight. I have work in the morning.

Or you have to go off and cry. I understand that. Please don’t join Zhang Jiaoyi.

Oh I do, that is why you don’t see the cigarette word turn up.

You have to consciously tell yourself not to use homophobic slurs rather than just knowing inherently not to say them, dude?

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At the end of the day we know who is going to heaven and who is going to hell. Hope Mithonic and Alynsa love fire. Back then that is where they would have ended up.

Assuming you are referring to the Christian doctrine, the good book tells us that Jesus loves all, and the contempt you are exhibiting for other people’s identity is not something that was encouraged. Additionally, assuming Hell remains a concept, the criterion for ending up there would not be changed from now to “back then” - you will be hard-pressed to find a doctrine where the laws of damnation are radically changed by the passage of time.

oh, are you gonna do the whole. “children of light vs the children of darkness thing?”

Now we are going to talk about Wheel of Time? Hmmm. I suppose Paletress could be a Yellow Ajah.

This is the funniest thread I’ve seen in awhile. Luckily my phone is charged enough to watch this while I listen to people sing karaoke badly. It’s digital popcorn.


Well maybe this might get paletress back in the game with all this attention lol.

Nah it’ll just get you a forum vacation at the least, and this thread will probably get deleted.

Paletress would hate you.

I see at least two others who will beat me to that vacation.

She’s incapable of hate.

She would make an exception for you.

Need atleast four people to report a post. No one here seems to be on your side.