Paletress (maybe spoilers)

So to me this is the one character who seemed to up and disappear completely and I wonder if there was an answer to that that I don’t know. For those who have been around for a while would remember she was mostly in Wrath of the Lich King. Afterwards they don’t seem to use her anymore. I was particularly disappointed that she did not turn up in Legion because I would have loved to have had her as a companion for my priest or paladin. All the lore sites I go to seem to be mum about her.

So does anyone know if she was killed off screen or was it a VA situation where whoever voice acted her died (like Tanno Vik from SWTOR), got fired or quit?

Most I could find is that she stayed behind at Argent Tournament grounds after Wrath, with cameo in Hyjal, but is otherwise still there and have not done much. She, and the Argents, fought against the freed Scourge after Sylvanas broke the helmet and were almost pushed from the Tournament grounds and she defended the chapel almost single handily, but thats about it.

She’s just chillin. I dont think the VA was fired or anything, but maybe just didn’t have a roll for her or is in NPC stasis until they find a good time to use her. Ideally/hopefully/theoretically, she’d be back in 3 expansions for the Northrend Revamp in The Last Titan.


It kind of irked me that the cowardly paladin guy from that same dungeon at least had a vendor role in the paladin hall for Legion but no trace of her.

Yeah but other kinda secondary characters come back and make their own impression in time when more appropriate. Gorgonna from Grizzly Hills now leads the Warsong Clan, for example.


I’m pretty sure that Paletress is voiced by Laura Bailey, who records for Blizzard all the time because she also plays Jaina. So it’s not a VA situation. It seems they just haven’t wanted to use the character again much.

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She could have easily replaced any of the lame cast of companion characters the priest hall got in Legion…particularly the living light bright.

The character is kind of a tongue in cheek reference to Sally Whitemane of Scarlet Crusade fame.

Maybe that’s partially why Blizzard uses her so seldomly. They see her as a gag character.


Yeah, totall-

You take that back right now.


I think the Rambo reference has had more screentime than Paletress


Oh he definitely does. Cataclysm Red Ridge was his rodeo. He has a pretty prominent presence in Nazmir too, during the Alliance campaign.

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with a cute relationship with Kelsey Steelspark in Zuldazar, the literal only lore romance I care about

turned him from a hated symbol of Cata rewrites to “I guess he’s okay”


Right?!? Who didn’t love running around with that little lightpuff??

“I am Light incarnate!”


when they’re all equally boring personality-wise (even though some of them really shouldn’t have been), a flashy holy voidwalker is hard to argue with. I am so glad for the Lightspawn glyph so I can pretend he’s still with me.


Lightpuff, Addie Fizzlebog and that druid combat ally who was also in Hyjal made every moment of my time in Legion just a little bit better.

“I’m feeling stabby!!” ranks right up there with “I’m a REAL hunter now!!!”


Thisalee Crow?


Yes, her!!

Every time I log on my druid and fly around the Broken Isles, she brings a smile to my face when she spawns in.


Oh, I love Thisalee.

I’ve been saving Druid class hall for when Gnomes finally get the class.


I believe she was there defending the Argent Tournament grounds in the Shadowlands prepatch.

That said, you shouldn’t really assume a character has died unless you’re given explicit confirmation. Warcraft has so many characters, and it pulls from them when they fit the story (hopefully). The Night Elf heritage questline just featured a character who showed up in Vanilla, was removed without a word in Cataclysm, and now showed up again alive and well over a decade later.


I think she was created because they wanted to use Whitemane again after killing her in Vanilla, but then they just kept bringing Whitemane back anyways so there was no reason to use Paletress.

Who is Paletress?