Paletress (maybe spoilers)

Pay attention, I was talking about Alexstrasza.

She actually displays composed and controlled anger, so…

I liked the small bit of writing she has because she seems fairly practical with strong convictions. But she’s nothing special in that regard and I honestly only really paid attention to her in the first place as a Whitemane reference and because she’s hot. Those aren’t really good reasons to bring back a character. Especially since the game has a history of treating women as objects valued only on attractiveness and projected interest. I think bringing Paletress back over the priest companions we got with the same level of care they got (little) would be actively worse for the game, and would have made me uncomfortable as a woman. Seline, Hexx, and Faol etc. should have just been way more engaging with their backgrounds.

And for the record? I liked Eadric.

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I do like to imagine backstories for each of my characters and I could have totally seen my draenei disc priest bonding with and adventuring with Paletress.

See, that’s the funny part. I’m the one who was paying attention this whole time, because we were talking about Paletress until you suddenly had to go off about Alexstraza.



Actually you inserted yourself in a convo I was having with Mithonic and it seems your two portraits are very similar.

Well actually-actually you were having it with Twinkletorch when i interjected. Mith responded to me with the anime comment, not you.

You really should, like…

Pay attention. Try to keep up here.

Twinkletorch never brought up anime. Mithonic did and you responded to that. YOU pay attention.

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Again, Mith was responding to me. You weren’t having a conversation with Mith, and certainly not one about Alexstraza.

Also, neither of those conversations were about Alexstraza in fact. So it’s even weirder that you jumped on to that.

You got momma dragon on your mind.

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Why are Alextraxsa fanboys so cringe? Is it the Oedipus complex?


…oh my god.

Cristoforus responded to my post talking about Paletress with:

Alynsa asks this (and I did a DOUBLE-TAKE at reading Paletress referred to as innocent)

So we’re clearly on the Paletress track that leads to the anime discussion. The only reason I can think of that we’re suddenly discussing Alexstrasza again is because of conflation that the “anime” discussion must have been about the Queen of Dragons since Cristoforus referred to her losing fights as ryona, which… like I can throw a lot of crap at Blizz for sexism, but any perceived ‘ryona’ in the DF cutscene is uh wildly telling on yourself and not Blizzard.


I love Alex and I honestly don’t know why so many dudes who like her are just weird about it. It’s creepy


And as a side note to the objectification of pixels. I am highly disappointed in you lot.

Like, Nozdormu is right there and we’re not go na talk about him at all???


Nozdormu? Please

We all know that Gamon is the true husbando


Please. You’re full of bull!!!

I set you up with a solid pitch there, now knock it outta the park.


Your puns make me see red


My vision is clouded.


Man, I love you guys.

Even you, you weirdo Cristo. You have made these awkward bus rides fly by.

Thank you for your sacrifice. You really were the Cristo For Us.


Nozdormu and Hanzo are basically written in the same attractive font.


No one has mentioned Flynn to objectify? I am ashamed.


I don’t objectify him. I am respectually in love with him. The same can also be said about Wrathion.