Paladins DO NOT Need More Gap Closer in PvP Phase 4 PTR

If your pally feels the same as it does in classic im sorry but you are playing it wrong

You guys should understand that this topic was created and maintained by a “PvP expert” who clicks on abilities, does not leave Stormwind and has virtually no PvP experience.
Imagine that a skinny guy comes up to a big athlete in the gym and says that he is lifting incorrectly.

I suggest not answering in this thread anymore, this guy doesn’t play pvp and it’s not for him to judge that.


well I do pvp and I am the big athletic guy in the gym and I’m telling you he’s right so how about that. Fact of the matter is simply that most paladins are playing badly, refusing to use engineering (THE PVP PROFESSION), or just have very little class knowledge and that’s the real reason they feel they need a sprint.

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aren’t you still Sergeant in SoD tho? :thinking: how much time have you actually spent pvping in SoD? I’m not trying to have another pissing contest with you here but it seems like you’re acting like an authority on SoD paladin PVP when you’re 4 ranks behind most pvp players. Engi is good for fear immune bracers and go fast boots but I’m telling you in a world with displacement, shadowstep, warbringer, and in P4, feral spirits giving movement speed increase, you get a lot less mileage out of grenades than the slower pace of classic


Are you coming on to me?


What’s most relevant here is the ptr and how that particular kit interacts with divine steed. I don’t think spamming BG’s for honor in current sod meta where the teams are constantly imbalanced is a good way to determine the state of individual class balance in the first place. I certainly am not interested in ranking under those conditions but I do pvp still and I have 4 paladins so it’s often spread between them.

Also keep in mind it’s baseline, so it’s buffing every single paladin spec including healers. So now when you finally reach that hpal in the backline and wait for his bubble to drop off he will just horse away lmao.

I would highly encourage you to get on ptr and do some pvp if you really feel strongly about this. Or you could check out Arkaviun on youtube, he’s already published a lot of his stuff. He disagrees about steed for reasons he hasn’t elaborated on but you can see him basically owning almost everyone lol. (and it’s perfectly fine to have the opinion that you want it because you simply want to be op but it doesn’t mean we need it)

Paladins are out there pretty much dominating without even having access to most of the engi kit or consumables/trinkets/random other gear. I have probably 5hrs recorded from various pvp on there at this point plus a another hour of wsg. Reckoning spec straight up 1shots people even with arcanite reaper, a prebis weapon. We’re in a SUPER good spot for pvp even without steed. we’ll be able to do some absolutely hanus stuff with it in wsg I just hope it doesn’t result in a nerf to the rest of our stuff. ret has actually become a potentially unstoppable flag carrier now with shield wall + freedom + steed/rep/hoj and we can still use engi and consumes on top of all that. once we get good MC weapons it’s over for anyone we touch imo.

last I heard using steed made you drop the flag in WSG LOL maybe they fixed that? every time I’ve taken a break from Elden Ring DLC recently to try to get on the PTR, it’s been down. I wasn’t able to get into a WSG but on the times I was on there (I think last time was like 3 days ago), dueling felt amazing as ret. but I will agree ret stocks definitely going up with or without steed. I also don’t think 3 sec of go fast is necessarily game breaking either, although definitely has the strongest potential in WSG if the flag dropping was just a bug that was fixed. I still stand on the “I could take it or leave it” side.

def felt good to play though. the real question is how does it stand up to big bad ele in teamfights? we do have kick now though! coordinating leg runes in BGs with pallies is gonna be so fun.

make us over the top, give us instant holy wrath you cowards.

oh also, idk if you saw but in another thread I finally discovered recently after not playing for over a month that at some point, they actually did fix seal twisting to proc 3 seals off a twist. WHO KNEW? not me, it wasn’t in any blue posts! last time I tried it in PVP was when it first dropped and only did 2 seals, felt like a waste of a global unless SoC crit when it was working that way. also never found out what we are using on PTR for twisting, swingtimer wasn’t working for me last time, idk maybe they updated it recently to work? will have to try to test soon

lol yeah there were a few hotfixes that went in that flew under the radar. like for instance, did you know that after they changed seal of righteousness to crit and proc art of war, enchants and weapon procs that go off in melee can now also trigger art of war? always funny things going on with paladins.

yeah I remember seeing something about it, but thought they made a blue post about it, it’s fixed and doesn’t work that way now though right?

History repeats itself. You give devs your false feedback, they gut the spec, you remain trash for the rest of expansion.

Engineering is available to every class, as well as alch consumables.
But meathook (aka death grip) will now be available to warriors. Imagine being gripped from 30y right into the enemy’s crowd. I wonder what potion or grenade will save you when bubble is on cd.

this is a new thing since then, the old one was seals and weapon enchants chain proccing each other, whats going on now is basically any “melee range” crit will trigger art of war whether it’s spell damage or not, if you want to see for yourself, use frost oil on a melee weapon and hit something with seal of the crusader on and then watch for art of war procs when the frostbolt crits (aka use rank 1 exo to keep it on cd). It’s nothing that effects gameplay right now, but just another example of all the little things that keep changing with paladin.

what in tarnation

you just press freedom and walk away after stunning them with seal of justice or hoj or use your avengers. it’s not hard. and if you’re a ret you are already where you want to be so whats the problem. warriors are a joke for us on ptr even with no cooldowns. this is not a case for needing steed. and to add to that, yeah there are some classes we can’t beat without bubble, that’s FINE no class should win 100% of it’s matchups every time, especially without cooldowns being up.

and yes all classes can get engineering and the other stuff but what maters is 1. which items you decide to equip or not (you cant have them all and there is a good bit to choose from) and 2. how those items interacts with your kit. some things like swiftness potion are WAY stronger on paladin because of blessing of freedom and cleanse for example.

Thats what I was talking about. You are clueless. As soon as you are gripped, you get targeted by a few casters and you press release spirit button. Even if you had divine steed without CD, that could not help you. This ability has no impact on caster meta we have. On top of it, the upcoming phase is AV meta, where being melee is even more disgusting.

You are so obsessed with BoF. You are playing against faction with 2 classes that have offensive dispell available. + they are both broken in pvp and attract fotm crowd.
People like you should really pass pvp rating check before posting, esp on ptr forums.

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You can’t balance classes around being able to win against multiple ranged dps by yourself. That’s just another non point. If there are a bunch of enemies around then where are your team mates and what are they doing?

Don’t run directly into big groups of ranged dps with no backup lol. If you’re getting spam purged in a bg that’s a team issue not a paladin issue. Like I said earlier feel free to get on the ptr and play the game instead of speaking from a place of ignorance and spamming noob takes all over the forums.

I am not doing that. Alliance forces 6 min AV win pve meta. Horde with 2hr qs retalates with defending IB choke and Galvangar. Games drag and it all comes down to large scale battles where you have to be useful. And warriors receive gamebreaking ability (vanila never had body displacement mechanics in pvp, the only example was prenerfed unstoppable force that knocked back a player for 3 secs and it was nerfed fast) while you keep your mouth shut about it. You get gripped every 35 secs to your inevitable death. And thats 1 meathook per warrior. No amount of steeds can turn the tide in mass pvp. This is why i don’t care about this ability at all. What I am proving to you is that it has no impact on the game you are describing in drama queen manner.

I stand with them and get gripped by a warrior from 30y range, standing in his caster camp.

It takes 1 bored enchancement shaman to do it. He can’t reach my casters anyway, so he is trying to be useful.

Ptr has AV available? How does dueling bad players in elwyn, or dueling in general prove anything? Wow is not 1v1 game.

I am sorry who is this guy? Is he saying no I want to stay in wheelchair? What is he even talking about?

Guys like him are the reason paladin has no toolkit. We finally starting to get something and he’s fighting back? Absolutely insane.


Dude skips unyelding faith (10% fear/disorientation resist) for lasting judgment, which is useless in SoD pvp when CS has a 30 sec refreshment built in. Also not even close to r7. Yea, he definately does not need any gap closers.

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the dude is rank 3 talking like a pvp god