Paladins DO NOT Need More Gap Closer in PvP Phase 4 PTR

This right here is the fundamental problem with your entire philosophy. It may be that, in a vacuum, that is the “optimal” way to play Paladin in Vanilla.

But, as you seem to understand, almost nobody does that. Why?

Because that’s not a Paladin. That’s a Cleric.

Classes have meaning. People pick the Paladin class to take up their sword and go slay evildoers, not to be a budget Priest standing around in the back spamming 1 heal button. Paladin is fundamentally a martial class, not a caster. The Paladin class fantasy existed for decades before Vanilla WoW in D&D with almost no healing whatsoever; and it’s also existed since then as a very capable martial in every WoW expansion.

Wanting the class to remain stuck in its Vanilla iteration - which was a grave mistake that diverged completely from what the class is supposed to be - is ridiculous.

To be honest, I’d go so far as saying giving Paladins spammable hardcasted heals and a true healer spec at all was a mistake, and Hpal should have been the Cleric class; but now that the cat’s out of the bag, it would be wrong to take Hpal from those who like it, so it should absolutely remain a strong and viable spec for Paladins.

But forcing the entire class to be tied to a playstyle that’s completely divorced from the core class fantasy is utterly ridiculous. Ret/Prot Paladins should be tuned to be most effective fighting on the front lines, not spamming heals.


This take is perfect. People like pallytime are afraid of change because a long time ago when he was young someone told him “this is fun, now enjoy yourself.” and he never changed a thing, he kept at it until he was the best. good for him, he’s the best of all the vanilla paladins… did someone forget to mention that vanilla paladin was a joke, and no one wanted to play it because of how bad the design was? So objectively we have a large % of players choosing paladin for the class fantasy, the game fails to give said fantasy and player quits or chooses another class. but pallytime is saying people are just bad and they should shut up… this dude has some bizarre takes on the game in 2024. I think he’s scared of change. sounds like he just wants to play Vanilla era.


Your point would be valid if other classes did not get mobility runes, but they did, so those either need to be removed or just give pally their mobility rune. ie: Mage with displacement; mage already have blind so they do they have this? It was not in vanilla which your logic would work but since they have added mobility so should paladins.

If blizz want paladin to be immobile and have to chase people then paladin needs to have a range slow like hand of hindrance range slow at 70% or all judgement should slow enemies by 35%, and a ranged ability that’s 100% chance to immobilize enemies for a while. The whole being immobile and chasing class design only works if that class can prevent people from being mobile for a while. Paladin does not have those tools, which makes it easier to just give them mobility. This is the same issue Paladin has in live; blizz wants them to be the Juggernaut class but keeps on giving warriors tools that are more fit for the job like Spear of bastion, spell reflect, all their slow abilities & dots compare to paladin. Something like Spear of bastion should not even be a warrior ability with all the mobilities they have and more fit for a slower class like paladin which is also the reason why GW2 Hammer guardian has such an ability. If you remove charge, & leap from warriors since they are getting OP second wind back, they will out Juggernaunt Paladin any day since they actually have the tools to fill that role.

A trade-off of Mobility for CC, should be how things are balanced, but the blizz team can’t seem to understand this simple thing and you have the abomination that’s in live which is also happening in SOD. This will just be a repeat of live if they don’t fix the issue that is easily solve with just 1 gap closer.

This right here is the fundamental problem with your entire philosophy. It may be that, in a vacuum, that is the “optimal” way to play Paladin in Vanilla.

But, as you seem to understand, almost nobody does that. Why?

Because that’s not a Paladin. That’s a Cleric.

Classes have meaning. People pick the Paladin class to take up their sword and go slay evildoers, not to be a budget Priest standing around in the back spamming 1 heal button. Paladin is fundamentally a martial class, not a caster. The Paladin class fantasy existed for decades before Vanilla WoW in D&D with almost no healing whatsoever; and it’s also existed since then as a very capable martial in every WoW expansion.

Wanting the class to remain stuck in its Vanilla iteration - which was a grave mistake that diverged completely from what the class is supposed to be - is ridiculous.

To be honest, I’d go so far as saying giving Paladins spammable hardcasted heals and a true healer spec at all was a mistake, and Hpal should have been the Cleric class; but now that the cat’s out of the bag, it would be wrong to take Hpal from those who like it, so it should absolutely remain a strong and viable spec for Paladins.

Pallytime does not seem to know what a Paladin is LMFAO, he thinks the version of Paladin blizz forced on the people after the beta is what a Paladin is supposed to be is just plain stupid. I thought its common sense now that the vanilla version of Paladin was not the real intended Paladin; and was implemented last minute due to some dev bullsht at the time.


yeah all this about them being tuff and slow goes out the window when ppl realize that everyone dies in 5 seconds in SoD

That is so true and, Ret Pally is not even fit for that play style; they do not have the tools to do the job. The only plate class that can do the job correctly is Arms Warriors; even if you remove charge & leap from warriors they can do the job better than Ret Pally will any day. They have Spell Reflect, more than 1 slow, can bleed (dealing small dmg when the enemy gets away), Spear of Bastion (the ability to cage enemy into a small area), TWW 2nd Wind (survivability on a passive), MS (countering healers when you catch them), Shatter throw (destroying immunity when you catch up to them). Unless Ret get all that and still have what they have now then they would be able to do the job, but they don’t. Warriors were build to do that job ever since vanilla which was why they couldn’t charge in combat unless they stance dance and got all the counters to strong class abilities like divine shield & heals.