Paladins, both Retribution and Protection

lol git gud bro - again get over yourself with your trollin

Then at least give an estimate on the time commitment to get the pummelers for raid progression, trash, and factoring wipes. I mean its super fast, it should take you no time to give us an estimate. We arent retail players, you can handle it.

Give us a pummeler per hour calculation.

That’s a SUPER good point… I hear they have herb spawns cranked up to the moon so that everyone can have EZ mode flasks on the private servers…

That’s so unrealistic that it’s not even funny…

I do feel that they should also go OG vanilla Flasks and make them fade on death.

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I’m gone for a day and this is the most posted in thread, with 3/4 of it being Theloras arguing with people about Ret Paladins.

Sounds about right.


Because most people want to not be terrible, and they rely on the information provided to them by people who understand what the hell they’re talking about.

Because a lot of players look to get whatever advantage they can to put themselves as far ahead of the competition as possible, and that includes playing a class (or spec) that is better.

Any guild that actually cares about progressing at a fast pace. I think most guilds are just going to invite whomever they can because they have to fill 40 raid slots.

When they get to Naxxramas, though, it’s not a matter of “what is claimed by the hyper min-max crowd,” it’s a matter of NEEDING that many warriors. Those warriors, by the way, will need a lot of gear, so it’s better to just bring them from the very start so they get geared up for tanking before you need them to actually tank anything.

As for how many of each class will be brought, at least 4 Paladins for all their buffs, at least 1 Druid, at least 1 Priest.

So they’re bad because their class does more DPS, and they chose the class for that reason…?

How does that make them bad? Wouldn’t a bad player pick the spec they know under-performs and waste valuable and rare epic gear on a character that can only hope to do a fraction of the DPS of a better class?

Dude, it’s vanilla. The mechanics are “dispel sometimes, move out of fire.” It’s not very complex stuff. The rotation is literally one or two buttons for most specs.

Even the spec that people want to be good but isn’t relies almost entirely on auto attacking for DPS.

Not a real problem… impossible.

They do better even with the buffs. lol

Better yet, find a video of a paladin doing that in vanilla, or make one for Classic.

Show me proof a Ret Paladin can do 1600 DPS for real and not just on a clearly non-Blizzlike private server.

I did dude…

it takes 5 MINUTES to run to the boss via the back door and you can do 5 dungeon resets per hour so you will spend 25-30 minutes farming them per hour

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Yeah, I think that mentality is not in the spirit of an RPG.

And they are not “terrible”.

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Pummelers per hour please

that’s cause they removed Black Lotus spawn from inside DM East - not to mention 5-7k player populations on the most populated realm





Then calculate how much pummelers per hour given that it isnt a guarantee drop. Just take an average. You have done it millions of times so you must have an average.

The average would be the drop rate. If its a 70% drop chance than statistically speaking 3/5 runs you’d get one.

According to classicdb the drop rate is 40%.

Which means an average of 5 * 0.4 = 2 MCPs per hour, since you can only run 5 dungeons resets per hour.

About half of that time will be spent not doing anything because of the limit.

Min-maxing came about from pen and paper RPG players. It’s the spirit of an RPG.

I never called anyone terrible. Try actually reading what I said, buddy.

lol it’s not PER HOUR dude since you are instance capped after 20-25 mins

seriously get lost already with your trollin…

Its a 50% drop rate meaning you average 3 per hour. For raid progression you will need at min 30 in your bags per raid. I know this because i am rk13 druid. I can even make a video you dont have the will power too.

You cant even do it all at once since you literally wont fit.

Having pummelers magically spawn on your private server isnt the same.

Then you have to factor in bag slots with consumables and what gear sets. Oh yeah, dungeon locks too which add so much more time.

Thats like 9 to 12 hours for every raid day at min if you dont want to get carried like a retail player during progression.

Then there is naxx which the amount of time spent on progression is insane and you will need way more

You make believe laziness to not make a video is just an excuse to hid the reality.

I don’t agree.

You don’t play diablo by picking the best class … you experiment completing with every class… you can even try to min/max every class.
What I think is good for a community is to let people play they want to play and encourage experimentation.

As a Ret paladin… you can min/max being a ret Paladin… but it is not in the spirit of an RPG to completely forgo choosing to play or invite one altogether.

You’re right, there is a specific community in all games that many call Power gamers… I come from a D&D background… and power gamers are the most annoying kind of people to play with. To me it is against the spirit of the game.

What I find fun about games is learning how to overcome challenges with what you have. Instead of artificially engineering a composition that perfectly games the experience.

This is just a base philosophy difference between you and me… and it would 100% normally be okay… but sometimes I think people like you can tend to bring toxicity to community, because you have a my way or the highway mentality, and you refuse to invite good players that may think differently. While mine, everyone should play the way they want to. I am not saying you necessarily… I am saying in general, I do see this.
This is a community game overall.

I am happy to group with any class spec in raids. As long as people aren’t making arbitrary mistakes, are good players, and show up on time… 99% of the time we can figure out a way to be successful.


That’s like 50% of the fun right? I mean, right?

You also don’t have raids in Diablo, and all of the classes are more or less balanced around being able to do damage and solo the game. That isn’t the case in WoW, at least in vanilla.

Which is just fine for the Ret Paladin to do, so long as he accepts that the min/max raid leader says his DPS isn’t very good even with full BiS and he’s not worth bringing over someone else.

I don’t think min/maxing is really responsible for any toxicity. Rather, I think that’s a problem caused by online anonymity, and is totally unrelated.

Min/maxing is just one excuse toxic people have to continue being toxic.

No, you’re perfectly entitled to play a subpar spec if you wish. I don’t really care if you do, I just won’t invite you.

In dungeons? Sure.
In a PUG EPGP raid? Sure, why not?
In my realm first progression raid group? Hell no.

And don’t misunderstand. I’m not really the type to say “You’re doing 0.0035% less DPS than a Rogue could be doing, so you’re out,” but I am the type to say “you’re doing half of what a Rogue could be doing, we already have 4 Paladins to give every Blessing, and you’re taking valuable gear our other DPS could be using, so we don’t really need you.”

Ret Paladins just didn’t have the damage output in vanilla, and none of the utility they bring requires them to be Ret. They could just as easily do what they do as Holy and actually be a valuable healer.

Maybe after over a decade of theorycrafting, people will have found a way for them to be much better DPS. Fine. We’ll see. If they’re any good, maybe they’ll get invited.

Maybe once everything is on farm and people start sitting out of fights because they don’t need loot from the boss, we could bring in some Ret Paladins (harder to do in vanilla, since summoning only worked if they were in the raid already).

The mentality I have is more of one focused towards a type of gameplay where being the best matters. As I said, most raids will probably just invite anyone they can because they need 40 people. Most raids won’t care if someone plays Ret, and most people aren’t doing content where being the best matters.

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