Paladins, both Retribution and Protection

If its not a problen, then surely you can spend such a short amount of time putting out a youtube video on how long it takes to get 40 pummelers for your discord.

why would I waste my time on a video that would literally be a braindead clip

it’s not rocket science dude…

But it takes no time and effortless for you. It would help your community get a realistic time for the gear up.

Is that not worth the time?

people are just as equally capable of not being mentally challenged and reading simple instructions

  1. Fly to Ironforge
  2. Ride to Gnomeregan
  3. Run to the back door entrance
  4. Agro and pull all the mobs with Retribution Aura on
  5. Run to the boss with all the mobs
  6. Kill the Boss and all the mobs
  7. Collect MCP
  8. /camp to spawn back at the outside entrance
  9. Reset instance
  10. Rinse
  11. Repeat

similarly - the people in our discord already know everything there is to know about Pummelers and how to farm them lol


But if your making a guide shouldnt you lead by example and show the time commitment it takes to get 40 pummelers for a single raid?

I loved my Palli she was specced ret/holy. She was able to dps to get quests done and heal in raids. I have met many good prot and ret pallis during that time. My experience is that palli’s were a good and fun class to play.
edit I healed because i wanted too not because i had too :slight_smile:

who said we needed 40 pummelers per raid?

that was what YOU said bro

I said you needed ONE Pummeler per boss with an Iron Counterweight on it - you use all 3 charges per boss then swap to either Blade of Hanna or Flurry Axe after 1.5 mins (3 charges) for the remainder of the fight

Are you assuming that a single raid at the start of raiding will have no wipes and trash doesnt exist?

What is this retail?

I have a love/hate with this video.

Most of the Warriors are wearing BiS Fury and Tank gear. They are mostly Fury/Prot that I can tell as well, the tanks that is.

It’s really interesting but won’t be reality in Classic until Naxxramas has been out long enough to have it on farm status. That said, was a good watch.

I find it interesting that they have several Night Elf melee. The top Warrior on many pulls is a Night Elf. Kind of confirms what I already thought which is that the player, gear and uptime is pretty important for meters.

cuz you don’t waste the Pummelers on trash maybe?

is this rookie night on the forums? did I miss the memo?

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So you dont want to pull weight on majority of fights in raid?!?!?

And you magically expect progression to have no wipes that every boss is one attempt.

Classic example of a retail player.

for sure - I link it only for observation purposes - you need a top benchmark in which to strive for and to be able to compare lightshope to Classic once it launches

in no way are those buffs obtainable every week but once a year you can literally go ballz to da wallz and stack all those world/holiday buffs and go to town

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that’s why you have backup weapons to swap to bro - just like the Ferals do

Item Level 66
Binds when equipped
Two-Hand Polearm
105 - 158 Damage Speed 2.10
(62.62 damage per second)
+35 Strength
+15 Stamina
+10 Fire Resistance
Durability 120 / 120
Requires Level 60
Equip: [Improves your chance to get a critical strike by 1%.]

Gavel of Qiraji Authority
Item Level 71
Binds when picked up
Two-Hand Mace
108 - 162 Damage Speed 2.20
(61.36 damage per second)
+15 Strength
+16 Intellect
+15 Stamina
Durability 100 / 100
Requires Level 60
Equip: [Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 19.]
Equip: [Restores 6 mana per 5 sec.]

Blade of Hanna
Item Level 64
Binds when equipped
Two-Hand Sword
101 - 152 Damage Speed 2.10
(60.24 damage per second)
+11 Strength
+11 Agility
+11 Intellect
+11 Stamina
+11 Spirit

Flurry Axe
Item Level 47
Binds when equipped
One-Hand Axe
37 - 69 Damage Speed 1.50
(35.33 damage per second)
Durability 105 / 105
Requires Level 42
Chance on hit: [Grants 1 extra attack on your next swing.]

But but the charges of pummel and the majority of raids fights and progression?!?!?

Or do you want to be carried until boss fights and everything is on farm.

what do you think players do outside of raids on private servers?

just twiddle our thumbs watching the Azeroth sun rise and set over the computer simulated sky?

Then make the video, you clearly stated the abundance of time.

it isn’t worth my time bro - get over yourself already

So you dont want to show the reality of the time commitment to your members?

lol our discord members aren’t mentally challenged trolls who don’t know how to farm the easiest farmable boss in the entire game…

but hey here you go I’ll throw you a bone

make this macro
/script ResetInstances()

you’re welcome


I am not the one making a community. I would at least tell people the time commitment. If it doesnt take much time then why are you trying to dodge this so much.