You were talking about people who min/max being bad players because they pick classes that do more damage instead of “playing the mechanics as intended.”
If you mean doing the boss mechanics, then the point of me saying it’s vanilla is to remind you that the fights were not mechanically challenging. If you can have a player who does mechanics properly, why wouldn’t you also have him playing a better class?
You act like the two things are exclusive to one another. They aren’t. You can pick a better spec and still “play the mechanics as intended.”
Depends on what you mean by “we.” Realm/world first raids? Yes, they will.
That’s fair, and I never said they were. Saying “it’s not necessary to do good DPS” isn’t really a counterargument to the fact that Ret Paladin does less DPS.
500 > 400.
“Yes, but you don’t need 500.”
I think what is considered “the best community” would be quite subjective, and would vary from person to person. I don’t really see the harm in people wanting to be the best they can be, and expecting the same from their raidmates.
It can be completed with hybrids present, yes, because they are being carried by non-hybrids.
Same for me, actually. I just find progressing through raids quickly to be more fun.
Fun is subjective.
Perhaps, but healing and mana requirements aren’t. The faster the fight, the better.
More chances to mess up on mechanics, more chance a tank dies and you wipe, etc.
On some boss fights? Sure. In all content? No.
It’s a much more difficult mechanics and healer fight if it takes longer.
The minimum DPS was to kill him before enrage, not necessarily to kill him before anything else goes wrong.
And yet people still wiped on that fight for reasons not limited to failing to beat the enrage timer. Granted, people sucked more back then, so… perhaps it will be easier this time around in Classic.
Nice strawman. No one said you have to min/max your DPS. They’re rightfully pointing out that vanilla just wasn’t very accommodating to Protection or Retribution, and other hybrid DPS specs.
You asked in your original post if both specs were as bad as paladins claimed. Since you didn’t really specify what those claims were exactly, I think it’s fair to substitute your question with “were they subpar?” The answer is unequivocally yes.
Prot lacked the gear to function properly as a tank in raids, and they lacked a taunt.
Ret lacked DPS
Most hybrid DPS specs had decent damage output, but it was very limited by mana issues and they lacked longevity that other DPS specs had, or they simply didn’t scale very well with gear upgrades.