Where is the damage logs for the raid?
What happens when you wipe and lose those buffs in a place where herb spawns are so much longer? Other classes would be fine. I did naxx on a mage in the olden days without any elixirs.
Warlock scales well. Mages scale well. However, neither needed naxx gear to be competitive at the start of naxx. What gear would a spelladin need? An ashbringer?
lol nope - this weapon is BiS
Manual Crowd Pummeler
Item Level 34
Binds when picked up
Two-Hand Mace
46 - 70 Damage Speed 2.00
(29.00 damage per second)
+16 Strength
+5 Agility
Durability 100 / 100
Requires Level 29
Use: [Increases your attack speed by 50% for 30 sec.]
3 Charges
Which you need one million of and constant farming of gnomer which a feral druid can do better.
So you need to devout countless hours in gnomer and constant hours herb farming just to viable?
lol nope
TLDR - it takes 5 mins to get to the Crowd Pummeler boss as a Paladin via the back door to Gnomer
and you only use 1 MCP per boss fight (3 charges) then you swap to either Blade of Hanna or Flurry Axe
Do you know how many pummelers you would need for a naxx raid including wipes when you waste one of the three charges? Same with AQ40.
Then you have to constantly farm herbs without dynamic spawns.
All this to become viable?
tell that to all the Feral Druid bro and DM East solo herb + Black Lotus farming as a Prot Paladin says ahoy hoy
You dont need crowd control pummelers and every buff in the game to put out viable dps if you can powershift correctly.
you need MCP as a Feral Kitty OR Bear to maximize your potential for either DPS or Threat
It is MANDATORY for a Bear Tanking Thaddius
What is this argument even about? Why is it so bad that there are Paladins who can find a way to be competitive?
Why are we talking about tanking?
We are talking about doing 50 runs of gnomer to get like what 30ish pummelers which isnt enough for a full raid thay would take hours upon hours for every raid.
Then going to farm herbs for another billion hours. Pray you have bag space. When any other dps class doesnt have to do any of those things.
dude, why don’t you go play current retail WoW where quite literally EVERYTHING is spoon fed to you if you are this butt hurt over how Paladins or Feral Druids are going to play Classic WoW
Everyone has to farm herbs. That’s not really an argument.
Feral druids dont need pummelers to be viable for dps…
Go on any server as a paladin and farm 40 pummelers for a single raid and tell me how long it takes. It isnt a guarantee drop and there is limit on how many times you can do it in an hour.
Please, let me know how long it takes you.
zomg I just wasted 20 mins of my time resetting the instance 5 times and killing the boss 5 times
and yes Ferals do in fact need Pummelers to maximize their potential for either Kitty DPS or Bear tanking - it’s quite literally that good for them
now, if you would like to git gud, perhaps you might learn something new here!
Then make a guide on you how long it takes to get enough pummelers for a single raid. Make a youtube video on you farming 40 for a single raid in real time.
What? Crowd pummelers are 100% mandatory for Feral.
You can get maul off trash in bwl and actually learn to powershift correctly and still put out solid dps.
- Fly to Ironforge
- Ride to Gnomeregan
- Run to the back door entrance
- Agro and pull all the mobs with Retribution Aura on
- Run to the boss with all the mobs
- Kill the Boss and all the mobs
- Collect MCP
- /camp to spawn back at the outside entrance
- Reset instance
- Rinse
- Repeat
Or is that too hard for you?
But not enough to be competitive.