Paladins, both Retribution and Protection

no one has ever suggested that lightshope is 1:1 equal with Vanilla

but to say that it is so far off as to be completely written off is Tips Out video material lol

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Yet you gave me video of a private server Ret Paladin doing 1600 DPS as proof of your argument.

Yeah, I have my doubts that a server with Patchwerk on the roof of Strathome is pretty far off vanilla.

Also, how am I supposed to know what server it is, anyway? As far as I knew, Lights Hope (and its two realms) are Blizzlike. I wasn’t aware there was a Patchwerk target dummy on the roof of Stratholme, because that wasn’t there in vanilla.

Can you at least show me a Ret Paladin doing 1600 DPS on the real Patchwerk fight on Lightbringer? Or slightly less on any fight on Northdale?

Spell damage paladins back in the day were always a force to be reckoned with in PvP. They weren’t attempted much in PvE due to stigmas and quite frankly classes were set into roles. It will be fun and interesting to see what will be done this time around, open minds and more knowledge can produce many things.

With all the theory crafting and private server testing that suggests there is something there, it’s too early to say either way. I do know one thing though, with years of every class having at least a few viable specs, there will be many people playing a whole lot differently than we all did back in the day.


Wondering (not attacking you I just don’t know), has there been any proof that the pummeler buff stays when weapon swapping on vanilla retail servers, unlike trinket effects?

no it does not stay - which is why you farm Gnomeregan for multiple Pummelers in your bag - just like Feral Druids do

now while in combat you use all 3 charges fromt he MCP - then you either swap to a 2nd MCP or another fast weapon such as Flurry Axe or Blade of Hanna for the remainder of the boss enoucnter

come join our discord and I will explain everything to you - there are things I cannot type on these forums for obvious reasons

The only conclusion I can draw from this statement is you intend to say some rather rude things that I have no intention of deliberately subjecting myself to.

If you can’t be bothered to articulate your ideas here, I can only imagine you don’t have much worth listening to.

not at all - it has to do with giving you directions on how to run tests yourself on your own computer

Back in TBC, i would play as a 2h spell damage paladin using the “Hammer of Righteous Might.” Seal of the Righteous would hit very hard when stacking spell damage with a 2h weapon. There seemed to be a higher base damage for the seal for 2h weapons over 1h weapons regardless of speed ( of course slower weapons of each type would do more damage than the slower ones of that type). As far as i can recall it was the same back in Vanilla.

I highly recommend stacking spell power and either specing as shockadin or going for improved Righteousness and Vengeance. It’s a blast in PvP and works well in PvE too. Just a reminder, there is no holy resistance in the game and armor has no affect on it =)

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Which you are perfectly capable of explaining here.

Also, I’m not sure what you could possibly explain to me that would suddenly produce evidence or proof of Ret Paladins doing 1600 DPS in vanilla or Classic. One is in the past, and one isn’t out yet.

no - the forums code of conduct does not allow the directions/links that I would have to pass on to you in order to download a test server


Both are good. They are not the best.

The best tanks, Warriors and Druids.
The best melee dps Warriors and Rogues.

But, it is possible to play both of these specs.

It requires the guild to be in agreement with how the raid needs to play to make it work, but it is possible.

My Paladin guild will make it work.

I am thinking of a way to threat swap between tanks. We will figure it out and we will have threat swapping down to a science.

Fun Fact: 40 Consecrations going off at once is a collective 2000 DPS alone.

I am creating a guild for Paladins only in Classic.
We are in need of all Paladin specs.
I will be Prot for the sake of getting the guild gear and leveling up members.
Until PvP is in the game then I will be a Prot hybrid.

Alright seems like a fun spec to play
Gotta hope for you guys that it will be viable on Classic now ^^
(Also as a sidenote you can apply several debuffs with a single macro for your next testing, it was sad seeing you push all those buttons on your bar to apply them :cry: looking up the debuff id and using the .aura spellid command should do the trick afaik)

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heh not my videos - it was Exodia and DexterBravo :stuck_out_tongue:

but I did tell Exodia about the aura spell ids

but feel free to join our discord -

and play around with the DPS spreadsheet here -

Also, that Rend buff lmao :joy:

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Quite a row of consumables just to get decent dps in MC though. Even if I were to roll a paladin, the cost alone for raiding an entry raid like MC will be bonkers.

not really - those are standard raid buffs - compare it to Exodia’s video who went all in for buffs and BiS gear

This is something that I very much want to try out.

I think there is hidden knowledge about the Paladin’s capability.

feel free to join our discord -

and play around with the DPS spreadsheet here -

you’re kidding right? Classic will not have the increased spawn rate for herbs that p-servers have. Also, I can’t recollect melee using shadow-oil in MC nor Chili-breath (which in itself is bonkers because of all the fire resist in that place)