Paladins, both Retribution and Protection

hence why the new Spelladin meta will change all that friend - you clearly didn’t watch the video

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Well, whatever helps you sleep at night.

unlike you we have actually done the research and actually know what we’re talking about

here’s what it looks like at BiS forever gear levels:

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LOL, because Patchwerk sitting on a random wall in Stratholme is totally what happened in vanilla.

are you really that “special”?

to not know what a DPS parse test looks like?

please tell me you aren’t that “challenged”

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And now you have to resort to personal attacks because someone had the audacity to question the validity of a video of a private server as proof that your class will be useful as DPS.

target dummies didn’t exist on the Vanilla client bro - this is how you run a DPS check for classes/specs

I can’t help it if you aren’t able to understand the simplest of concepts such as that…

now, if Blizzard decides to ADD Target Dummies in Classic, then that would be a #Change that everyone would support and get behind

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On a private server, sure, which is why I’m laughing at how absurd your proof of your class’s viability is.

You have to link to a video of a ridiculous non-Blizzlike server as proof that Ret Paladin can do DPS.

At least if you had a full row of buffs like that and showed a real Ret Paladin in vanilla (not some private server), you could’ve had a valid argument.

Please don’t presume to speak for everyone. You don’t. No changes.

keep on trollin bro - your lack of understanding only keeps shinning more and more lol

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Yeah, because pointing out your proof is fake is “trolling.” Spare me.

you’ve never played on lightshope hence why you keep failing at your “counter argument”

unlike you, i’ve not only played retail Vanilla, but multiple different private servers from Feenix to Nost to Vanilla Gaming to Elysium to Lightshope

Lightshope is the closest any server has ever or will ever come to a Vanilla experience outside of Blizzard

I should know cause I wrote most of the Paladin bug reports.

Wrong. Try again.

Exactly. Closest outside of Blizzard. You had to show me a video of a private server as proof. That proves nothing when it comes to how they actually performed in vanilla and/or how they will perform in Classic.

Show me a video of a Ret Paladin doing 1600 DPS in vanilla. Not on a private server, I mean. You can’t, because it didn’t happen. It’s a pipe dream created by sore Ret Paladins who don’t like being told they’re useless.

cuz there was ONE raiding Ret Paladin in Vanilla who made a video and he stacked melee gear not spell dmg gear and used Seal of Command not Righteousness

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Exactly. lol

dude, have you interviewed Kevin Jordan - the original WoW Class designer?

well I have - and he told us that SoR/JoR was THE DPS SEAL TO USE in PvE by far

so if you wanna argue with him, then lol be my guest!

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Cool story.

Show me proof of a vanilla Ret Paladin doing 1600 DPS, then.

don’t you worry son - summer is coming


Whatever helps you sleep at night. While we’re here, would you like to buy this bridge?

would you like to buy a clue?

perhaps maybe try playing the class/spec - it might help you understand what we’re doing here :slight_smile:

or join the discord and actually learn for yourself

On a private server with Patchwerk on the roof of Stratholme, or in vanilla/Classic?

I’d get different results depending on which one you mean.