Paladins, both Retribution and Protection

Yea one exceptional player amongst a vast majority of suboptimal, underperforming wanna be’s

I didn’t main a paladin back in the day sadly, but I knew of one who OMFG he was scary. I still remember seeing red dots head to him on my druid in AB and they just disappeared on my track within seconds of reaching him.

Sadly he HATED WLK Paladin and left the game for good.

There is a reason I am willing to follow Theloras.

He’s just that epic in the paladin world.

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Deus Vult!

Now stuck debating human or dwarf haha.

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Things in my own biased opinion a Prot/Holy (20/31/0) specced Paladin should do:

  1. Keep Judgment of Light up at all times. I’d rather have a Prot do it over Holy or Ret because with the melee herd getting tons of small heals from it, they could gain aggro. Prot can take a hit better than Ret or Holy.

  2. Trash herd tank. Prot Pallies shine at lots of mobs hitting them with sticks. You can practice this in the open world easily.

  3. Blessing of Sanctuary. Yes, Holy can grab this one also, but why put even MORE responsibility on a healer?

Or for Ret:

  1. Improved Ret Aura on the Warrior tanks. They get Aura damage and Sanc damage if it is a block.

  2. Rets are the best Nightfall swingers. This has been proven.

Here is the rub,though–unless I am stacking a Paladin/Priest/Warlock raid, only one of each is needed in a 40 man raid. Every other Paladin will be Holy.

I 100% agree with that. However, most of the noise about how bad Rets are come from the “discussion” about end game raid spots and how Rets won’t be invited due to their inferior DPS.

The reason end game raiders don’t want Rets is purely based on DPS, completely ignoring all those other things a Ret can bring. Their reasoning is a Holy Pally brings all that utility on top of much superior healing.

Short version: End game raiders don’t care about, nor want to utilize, utility specs. They 100% want DPS to DPS, nothing else. This causes much ‘noise’ from Rets and the raiders who don’t want them.


And very strong in PvP against melee.

They can solo tank 10m(seen done), can do 20m raids, and 40man (mostly as OT).

It’s at a cost. As stated two gold sink professions(you have an alt to farm), one item is boe that cost 600g to 1200g, then you have 3 different weapon set ups, gear at minimum will take 8 to 10 months, mixture of perfect stats, right build, and few more.

If you think it will be easy it is not. That is for like a holy mixture with prot type. Good luck. Great class I f you get it to that point in PvP.


I don’t have the testes to play pally in vanilla, I’m more of a warlock/mage/priest.

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That is not literally, but very close to the original Developer’s idea of what a Paladin plays like.


People just have to get over the fact that in this era of WoW some specs are awesome for PVP, and others are great for Raiding. I don’t think there is a single class out of the 9 than doesn’t have an optimal spec and a meta to go along with it for raiding.

It totally get people rolling Paladins for PVP reasons. If you could do all that and compete with Rogues that would be broken as hell.

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I don’t have the testes to play a Mage or Priest (maaybe lock for solo play). I can’t strafe worth a darn, so I will die a lot more than most people with cloth casters.

You’re right. A Hunter will.

while doing 1/3 of my personal dps for maybe another 5 seconds of debuff uptime?


While not wasting a raid slot. You need to bring hunters anyway. You can just have him melee with Nightfall, then Tranq Shot when necessary.

Then you can just bring another warrior, rogue, mage, or warlock, who you will be doing 1/3rd the DPS of.

keep dreaming - keep trollin

I outdps ranged hunters while swinging Nightfall and do double what the melee hunters do in personal DPS yo

but I digress, the perfect Nightfall comp is actually this:

  1. Retribution Paladin (~40% personal debuff uptime)
  2. Melee Hunter (~45% personal debuff uptime)
  3. Prot Warrior OT (30% debuff uptime weaving Annihilator + Nightfall)

With that setup you can maintain 80-85% Nightfall debuff uptime on average combined.

No “Gluth’s Missing Collar” amulet or " Overlord’s Onyx Band" ring?

Would add 5% block chance.

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my raiding guild had died by that point, I was then perma banned for telling the head admin to go @#$% himself and the server would die not long afterwards too



Can’t wait to have my bags and bank full off multiple sets of gear again. Paladin was so much fun to play back in vanilla. Never played on a private server, been waiting patiently for a long time. Summer needs to hurry up.

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“my bags and bank full off multiple sets of gear again”

truer words have never been spoken…



You clearly didn’t read what I said.

You already bring hunters for Tranq Shot. That’s pretty much the only reason to bring them, because their DPS, as you note, isn’t very good. So giving them Nightfall to be useful to the raid isn’t really a huge loss of DPS.

Then, instead of needing ~2 Hunters and a Ret Paladin with Nightfall, you can just have 2 Hunters, and either one or both of them can have Nightfall.

Then, despite the fact you do more personal DPS than a ranged hunter (questionable, but I’ll take your word on it), you still have room for a pure DPS class that will do WAY more than you.