That’s kinda what I have been thinking… I have seen every class played to a level where it blew my mind, but I am beginning to think that MOST of the players who’re saying “Don’t play this build because of X, Y and Z” are doing so to cover for how much they suck at the class / build.
And that’s what I really think it comes down too, they’re unwilling to accept that they weren’t any good.
Yep, I have seen many people who were good through out wow and those that were bad. Especially in mid wrath when people started bullying others over not following icy website class builds and so on.
Didn’t ya just love those constant links of gear score in trade chat?!
It was in Wrath when I noticed something was up, toward the end end of the middle of wrath… When the toxicity of the game had driven people out of the game.
This did not effect me directly but I noticed the population drop. That reduction in population in addition to the lack of community that was persistent in Wrath… (some will claim wrath had community, but they must not have experienced vanilla)
Between the community in obvious decline, the piss poor job done on Ruby sanctum and the underwhelming sales pitch for Cata I called it day at the end of Wrath because too me it was that bad.
I was shocked to find that Legion / BFA were 100X worse.
I think Wrath had decent community in the start but like you said, it started to go downhill.
Especially once cross-realm dungeon finder was added, people didn’t really need to rely on a reputation anymore outside of raiding which was still something that wasn’t being done by everybody yet.
The changes that led to gearscore becoming prevalent was also one of the worst things they did in the pre-Cata days. Suddenly item level mattered more than anything because jumps between tiers were so high that even if itemization was bad it was still better just by sheer brute force of stats.
So we had people demanding ridiculous gearscore for ICC rather than actually inspecting the character to see if they’ve built their character in a way that suggests they know what they’re doing.
No, it had more to do with the fact they were objectively inferior to their counterparts.
Even a “god in their play style” Ret Paladin can’t pull the numbers a pure DPS can.
Even in the fake example given of a paladin doing 1600 DPS, that’s 200 short of someone doing 1800. 12% DPS increase, and that’s taking a clearly non-Blizzlike private server as proof that a Ret Paladin could do 1600 DPS in the first place.
No, it had a lot more to do with observable reality, like the fact Prot Paladins didn’t have a taunt, and vanilla lacked the gear necessary to tank for a reasonable length of time.
No one is stopping you from inviting a Ret Paladin to your raid, but just don’t expect everyone else to pretend they were good like you are doing.
No, some people were great at playing paladins while others were bad.
Don’t try and say paladins are bad at everything because they don’t do nearly as much dps as other classes.
And don’t try and use private servers as proof.
Of course, but the class had shortcomings. No matter how great the player, there are limits to what the class is capable of.
A great paladin was still lower DPS than a great player on a pure DPS class (exceptions to Hunters, who just scaled horribly).
Never said that. Don’t strawman me.
Try reading the thread. I’ve been saying that private servers don’t prove anything the entire time, mainly because one desperate Ret Paladin is trying to use a non-Blizzlike server as proof Ret Paladins can 1600 DPS.
Comsidering you dont actually know what a haiku is, i dont think you even understand the concepts ive given.
Secondly, nothing on a private server is considered valid. Also your point is a guild cleared it within three weeks while a guild choked on KT which is also mechanically different then it was in actually vanilla wow? Considering having simply two over the tops mages could easily make up the difference from a hybrid. You also never responded to the previous poster who demanded you prove your claims, which you only respond with poorly created guides, videos with numerous issues pertaining to authenticity, and no actual understanding how what a combat log is.
You have no credibility, no understanding of how to properly run simulation, no proper understanding of metrics to set to get a valid data set, no actual understanding of how spell batching works and why your little /sit trick wont work with the new client regardless of spell batching, and numerous other things.
Talking to you is actually kind of a waste of time, since you do nothing but quote same worthless drivel.
Modern gaming mentality sucks. It’s not like vanilla raiding is the Olympics or difficult enough to require rocket science. People imposing their views on others is just as oppressive as always and is more guaranteed than Godwin’s Law.
You are making the assumption that everyone actually gives a damn that someone isn’t able to max out a single role. Min/max isn’t the only way to play the game and there are plenty who don’t want or care to play that way without being casual.
People who want to take fun out of a game where a group of people can work together to overcome challenges need to stop being social drags and play with like minded people instead of trying to force people to play 1 of 4 classes out of 9.
Maybe that great player doesn’t have fun on those other classes? What’s better, burnout or a person enjoying entertainment?