“Imposing their views?” Looking at readily observable data and evidence and concluding that some specs are just mathematically inferior and choosing not to include them in your groups is not imposing anything.
You are totally free to play whatever spec you want. That doesn’t mean you are entitled to join a group when you’re playing a spec that doesn’t meet people’s expectations.
If anyone is trying to impose their views on others, it’s probably the people demanding that everyone else shut up about min/maxing and just invite Ret Paladins.
Actually, I have maintained throughout this conversation that not everyone will care, and in fact stated that most people wouldn’t:
However, the question was not “will these specs get invited?” The question was “Are they as bad as paladins claimed?” Since the specifics of those claims were not given, I can just assume the claim was that those specs were inferior, and the answer is yes, they were.
Nice strawman. You have no idea what you’re talking about.
No one is forcing anyone to play anything. If I choose not to invite a Ret Paladin to my raids, I’m not forcing them to play Holy.
Also, all 9 classes have a place in my raids. That doesn’t mean every spec does. There are a minimum of 4 Paladin slots in a 40 man raid, for all the blessings. However, those Paladins are most useful to the raid as Holy, because Prot and Ret bring nothing unique that has any use in a raid environment.
Then I’ll find another player who does. That’s how things work.
If I’m looking for a Mage, and I find a really great Ret Paladin, I’m not going to tell that Ret Paladin to play a Mage; I just don’t invite the Ret Paladin because that’s not what I want.
You seem to be under the false assumption that raid leaders are forcing people to play specs they don’t want to play. That’s not how it works.
Which is further proof that any private server is completely unreliable as evidence of how anything actually worked in vanilla and/or how it would work in Classic.