Paladins being banned for farming Stratholme en masse

This is a Blizzard game on Blizzard’s forum.

The amount of free passes people give to Blizzard because it’s “Activision” is astounding.


"No hacks or cheats are allowed.

Our anti-cheat team takes action against botters and hackers 24/7, and every time I’ve asked them “how many botters were actioned yesterday?”, the number is always in the thousands. That’s a global number, by the way.

Our anti-cheat team focuses on popular botting spots, especially areas that are commonly reported by players. For example, Dire Maul has been one such area for cheaters, so a lot of attention from my colleagues has been put on Dire Maul recently.

Please be encouraged to keep using the in-game reporting system for cheat/hack reports. Those complement our systems that automatically look for the ever-changing strategies and software that the botters are using, and reports really help us zero in on new hacks more quickly than we would have without them."

They definitely do.


Another thing to keep in mind is just because someone got the ban reversed doesn’t mean they weren’t doing anything. A former coworker I know got nailed a few years ago for using a power leveling service. He told me he did it but he was still able to get his ban reversed.

Blizzard system isn’t perfect, but it’s probably right a heck of a lot more than it’s wrong.


I mean you are correct, however I truly believe something is wrong here. I can’t put my finger on what exactly is the issue in the system Blizzard uses to issue these bans, as I’m not very well versed in how Blizzard handles these things, but it seems that with each wave there is an increase in the number of people saying they were unfairly and erroneously banned (and this time it’s honestly skyrocketed compared to last time).

While these people being unbanned doesn’t necessarily exonerate them of ALL crimes, it is certainly evidence in favor of them being innocent.

I’m sure this ban wave also caught a ton of cheaters and for that I am thankful. I hope they take some extra time to look in this, because if they do, I am certain they will find that there are a bunch of bans to be reversed. I just worry that many of these players will get lost in the appeals process in which it is not uncommon to be denied a few times before the ban finally is reversed, or their guilds will replace them, or they will just never be unbanned. I also worry that our best method for farming gold is now contaminated and will just become too risky to be worth it. I also worry that even though unbans may go out, the next waves of bans may falsely flag more and more innocent players.

Bots also tend to favor playing mages, and this wave seems to have targeted a lot of paladins. I honestly don’t see very many bots playing paladins, as the time investment needed to be able to farm on a paladin is probably not worth it for them.

sorry I edited my post a time or two to consolidate my thoughts
There is a pattern developing here

This isn’t new. Every time they push out a ban wave there is a massive amount of posts here, reddit, mmo-champion and many other places about how they didn’t do anything but ended up banned.

Now maybe they did mess something up and got a few more false positives, or maybe they actually got it right and got some people that have been slipping through the cracks so the outcry is stronger. You can’t strictly go from noise because I’ve seen a heck of a lot more noise than this in the past. Even seen CM’s point out specifically what people were doing publicly just to shut it down.

If there is something out of the ordinary Blizzard should be able to figure that out. I seem to recall them posting in the past when it happened. Granted as long as I’ve been around that may have been 10 years ago.

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Sorry, but the quote you just used says they have an

Which means people run these things.

Now, they have an automated system, yes. That system does not ban people, it detects people using illegal software.


That’s an MVP post not a blizzard post from august of last year before the NOV multibox update and their systems could have definitely seen some fine tuning since then.

Also read most if not all of the whole thing instead of cherry picking a tiny little MVP section. Quick scan gives an idea of what’s going on in that.

Also, you really spent almost an hour going and finding “proof?”

And here’s the thing, if these reports are reviewed manually who thinks it’s a good idea to pass out permas for a first offense if there’s an offense at all then let em sort it out later?!


Yeah, Chris Metzen’s evil twin from an alternate dimension could have done some nefarious things behind the scenes as well.

Anything is possible if we imagine it!


Are people still going to blindly defend Blizzard and proudly wave around their guilty before proven innocent flag? Players are black bagged without any good cause or warning, left to rot by support, and not even told why it’s done. When you’re hit btw, you’re also silenced from the forum.

Just glad I wasn’t hit this time. I haven’t entered strat since classic. What would be perfect is if the people who laughed at us before were the ones hit now. But that would be too good to be true.


Nah, bots are bad and they’re everywhere so Blizzard ought to ban them!

…err, wait, Blizzard shouldn’t ban them because the bans are false!

…err, hold on…what narrative am I supposed to adopt here?


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If you look at your browser, you’ll notice something interesting:

Pretty cool, right?


Every time there’s a ban wave there’s many people talking about it, swearing they did nothing wrong etc etc. Most of them are lying and remain banned after the appeals process. It means nothing.

Rubbish. You should have seen the momentum when they banned everyone caught using glider.

Simple fact is i’d be surprised if everyone they banned is innocent. And if by some miracle they are, Blizzard will reverse it.


Could be something to do the rhetoric on this forum and reddit. People claim that Blizzard doesn’t ban bots among other disinformation. People believe the lies, start botting and end up on the receiving end of a long suspension or ban. Of course it could also be a bunch of false positives.

I also believe a lot of ban reversals people see through the appeal process is Blizzard giving people who seem remorseful a second chance.


Yes these are blizzard forums +1 reading comprehension for you. That doesnt mean you have to zealously defend everything that they to do the point where no one can see where Blizzard starts and you end. Newsflash. They mess up. A lot. Especially in this modern era of “blizzard”. Learn to be objective, and dont swing from their jocks so much.

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I wonder too about the claim that buying gold only results in lighter penalties like a 3-day ban. That’s all anecdotal as well. Seems that kind of claim would just encourage people to buy gold.

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You’re an incredibly poor judge of character.

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I appreciate everyone’s input into this discussion. I think a lot of valuable things have been said, others not so much.

Let me be very clear here.

I’m sure this ban wave caught a ton of cheaters. Of that I have absolutely no doubt. I am extremely grateful that Blizzard is doing something about the botting issue.

My entire point with this post is that there’s a significant amount of evidence to suggest that a decent number of regular start farmer paladins may have been banned in this wave as well, through no fault of their own. Or, perhaps, something we are doing is causing us to get flagged. But we have no idea what it could possibly be.

I totally understand being skeptical. I totally understand that people lie about this all the time. I don’t blame anyone for feeling that way. All I ask is that you consider the possibility.

At this point, I am BEGGING Blizzard to look into these bans a little bit closer to see what happened. If that happens, I am very confident they will find some accidental false positives or mistakes. If anyone from Blizzard could clarify this issue for us, it would mean the world to me. And it’s the only way we can move this forward.

Thanks for reading my thread. Thanks for discussing the issue. Fair to say that the issue has been given some visibility from this post, which was my intention.

Now, I wait for Blizzard to give a response. It may or may not happen, but I sincerely hope it does.

You’re in luck! Blizzard has given us a means to do that:

And what’s funny is, you’ve already mentioned how several players you know where banned have made appeals that were overturned.

So you’re “BEGGING” Blizzard to do what they’ve already done and continue to do through this particular process.

Well done!

What issue? You’ve already said they’re handling the process. You admitted they’re catching cheaters and that people who were falsely banned are appealing and getting those bans overturned.

There is no issue here.


Innocent players continue to get banned. That is an issue in and of itself.

The appeals process often only works after multiple denials.

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