Prots damage output even with Templar feels pretty awful, especially in the single target damage department. My Holy Priest can kill things 1v1 faster than my Paladin.
Can’t really give any input on how tanking feels because normal/heroic dungeons are so brain dead easy.
Well that’s why ret paladin gets to burst every pack in the game this expansion. It averages out. Unless they are a top 5% player, players playing those classes wont get even close the amount of damage those classes are capable of. Countless times i see those classes struggling to pull their max aoe and single target. It will also be extremely rare for players capable of fully realizing thier class, will be pugging with the masses anyway. No reason to get panties in a bunch over some numbers here and there, when those are made up for elsewhere. Plus ret paladin brings so much other utility to the M+ group if they can pull away from the zug zug brain most of them have. Ret paladins can save many encounters in the game that a mage, dk, shaman and warrior simply cannot.
Just going off my ret pally is around 578 ilvl and fury warrior is around 573 and DH around 572 as well. Ret pally seems not to do as much damage as the warrior or DH. It could be because both spec have very front loaded damage profile while ret takes a few GCD to get things rolling. Things die too fast currently in heroic. I do notice though ret seems to take more damage when doing Open world quest?
I actually find nothing wrong with Prot Pally right now, I find it quite fun and sturdy, and HPally for me has always been good even at its lowest, its my main go to spec for healing. Also funny after all these years builds are starting to finally use Beacon Virtue, took those “Top Players” long enough to relies it was VERY useful in m+
Hard to see the actual output with the dungeon runs, have tanks running Benny Hill style and your either trying to keep up or getting out of the 27 aoes on the ground so you dont get killed because the healer cant keep up.
Yeah its just that a lot of people said prot pally was “fine” despite any reliable source telling you otherwise. Look at how extensive and extreme the buffs are. I wouldn’t call this spec “fine” if its about to go through such an extensive and much needed change. It’s the best pally news we’ve had so far.