Protection Paladin is considered the worst Tank BY FAR according to literally every source.
Holy Paladin has been gutted with constant nerfs and is currently sitting below low middle as healer and removal of Holy Infusion means you’ll be casting in melee again which is about as fun as it sounds.
Ret Paladin is doing very little dmg in Mythic+ in contrast to other classes in the Beta and the raid has them in an “okay” position for single target dmg - but you’d be better off with a Frost DK.
So why bother playing paladin with all its nerfs, dead talents and useless specs in the TWW? Oh right for fun lolollolol.
If you like the gameplay, you’ll play paladin.
so for “fun” - like i said. right right
I play ret for one reason. In raids and mythical they are trash. Open world and old content tho? Gods. Nothing beats being able to charge into a large group of elites, spam aoes and self heals and still kill stuff faster than most other classes
You use the class with the worst mobility in the game for old content? The same class often nicknamed “the wheelchair” class for old content you can 1 shot with literally anyone? Choices.
Definitely, it’s why i only play ret, it tickles my fancy, or i play it in such a way that it does.
It’s hard to blame devs for constantly ignoring balance feedback from forums.
They clear old contest faster than people like to think.
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Everyone clears the content fast. The difference is you won’t spend 15 minutes running around the raid slowly on most other classes with their superior movement abilities.
Tuning isn’t done…
Tuning isn’t done…
Tuning isn’t done neither for Ret or the other classes…
Seems like your definition of fun can be summed up by “me want big numbers”
The copium you’re spewing is hilarious. If you think they’re reverting the Holy Infusion change you’re very wrong.
I’ll continue to play Paladin as co-main along with another toon… In fact it’s my “other” main the one I’m changing from Priest to Shaman given the poor state of Priests (and hoenstly Shamans looking great too).
I don’t really play Ret, might do while leveling but otherwise it’s entirely about playing Holy and Prot.
For Prot, yes it’s been very undertunned for most of the Beta, it’s still undertunned now but not as much… I still fully expect it to get some buffs to bring it a bit more in-line with the rest… Aside from that it feels pretty good to play, I like how lightsmith works for Prot and it still brings insane utility, even more so this time around that interrupts are more valuable.
For Holy, it’s not OP anymore but it’s still quite good and feels good to play… Imo if it had been like this from the start when the mini-rework happened people would be really happy with it, but beacause it went from being stronger and got nerfed now people are unhappy…
I’ve still out-dpsed every frost DK I’ve played with as ret idk what you’re on about. Quit focusing on tier lists.
Did I say anything about this specific change being reverted?
Point me to it, please… ![:rofl: :rofl:](
I said they aren’t done with tuning.
So unless you can assure me with 100% certainty with empirics proofs that they are completely done tuning either of those 3 spec, or any classes for that matter, then you’re full of sh*t and so is your BS analysis of the situation.
Op raid buff, bubble, spellwarding/bop, sac, freedom, blessing of autumn, LOH, able to spot heal as an dps/tank and one of the tankiest dps/healers in the game. Those are just off the top of my head. oh and Ret can do most of its rotation from range… as a melee. Why so many of their abilities have such an insane range is kinda strange.
Even if the specs are undertuned (balance is still a wip obviously) Paladin brings an insane amount of utility.
Take a deep breath.
Paladin is still op.
I don’t know what he is speaking about ret for either. I have a ret friend who blows the socks off every other dps when we run mythic 10+ together.
I also sometimes run ret, only cause I got the leggo, and even I beat most dps…
I am not naive enough to think that I just group with bad dps in every pug.
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