Paladin sucks in tww

I’m so excited to level my Pally now that buffs and changes on the horizon.

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Those are coming in November.

Yes, but that is soon, and my Paladin has been AFK since DF S2.

That argument can be used for every class. Its all what you consider suck or fun. Stack up all DPS and someone has to be top and someone bottom. Same goes for healers and tanks.

Doesnt mean it sucks. Just means not for you. I dont push high content so I think its pretty cool. Thats me though. I also dont give a damn about addons comparing me to others.

FV doing the same damage at lev 70 and 450 item level as lev 80 and 550 item level caused Hero talents including bugged HoL required to still be the lowest tier rated single target spec in the game(tier list from wowhead posted last night concerning raid). If worst in the game was 1% or 5% worse, that wouldn’t be any concern. The difference in performance is larger than that for raid and many pvp specific nerfs are still added to worsen pvp performance. If Ret is terrible. Ok, I’ll play something else, but my preference is it be competitive. HoL being most of Rets damage and now getting to use it far less isnt doing Ret any favors.

You might be surprised. Players wont invite bottom tier specs even to a +5 because they have meta specs applying for those same keys. Players alts ect Qing.

In BFA my Ret was doing 18+ keys and pugs wouldn’t invite me to +12s because Ret wasn’t very good. I tested this in SL, I was top few hundred Rets N/A and got turned down for +10s, I would log over to my undergeared fire mage and would get invited to the same group even though I hadn’t completed a +8 key at the time. Did this more than a few times just to test the theory.

I’ve been 4-5 bosses into mythic raid and couldn’t get invited to the first few bosses of Heroic PuGs even though I was overgeared for it. I don’t mean one group I’m talking about applying to groups for several hours at a time lol.

If you PuG it will effect you from day one of the season. They said more tuning before next week. If Ret is indeed undertuned I’m hoping for changes next week.


Yea im really hoping ret gets some love. Us losing retribution aura was honestly a terrible decision by the devs. It gave ppl a reason to want a ret in raid.

We have some great utility, unfortunately none of it is especially useful in raids. So now we regressed back to all ret realistically brings to raid is dps. Its a real shame and a 1 step forward and 2 steps back situation.

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/puts on tinfoil hat…

I feel like Blizzard looks at populations and balances around it from time to time. Over time Paladin jumped to the most played class after 10.7. Other specs/classes have found themselves in the same position and it seems like Blizz pushes them down the tier list until the population drops off.

Makes sense in a way lol. I love this game, i really do, but wow has one of the bar none worst class balance ive seen in any mmo and its consistently like that.

Ahh well. Just have to wait for the tuning patch.

I haven’t played other MMOs but I agree that balance has been less than desirable. Damage balance seems fairly straight forward. Balancing the damage output of classes within 3-5% top spec vs very bottoms spec is very doable.

A battle rez will always be highly desirable

Yes it is.

In raid you have plenty of other specs to bring it. I think the poster was making the case for Ret bringing something that can’t be replaced by another class. In M+ it’s essentially the same.

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You’re right theyre terrible in all specs. I officially lost respect for blizzard. They don’t know how to balance. Holy pally offers no uniqueness to raids

I will never take a ret paladin to these mythics. Have you tried them? Nope

Wym? I’m a certified pumper??

I respectfully disagree…

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I’m with Cynacle on this one Socially.
Not sure what game you’re playing but I main an Hpal and in raids and from what I’ve seen so far, our healing output is much higher than other healers so there’s that. But more importantly I’m confused as to this whole “No uniqueness to raids.” comment?
We have beacon for tanks, we now have a very strong Dot heal EF, and are you completely forgetting about Aura? Also unless you have a smart ret our Sac is better as well.
I’m not sure if you think Hpals need Spirit Link or something but your comment is very superficial imo.

Ret pumps absolutely. If you’re herald.

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Exactly, I find that even with an ilvl disadvantage I am still performing at least as well as other healing classes.

But in terms of being unique (and I’m sure you know this next part), we have a reactive healer toolset, which is very different to most other healers.

Other healer classes have some reactive heals, but none are as effective this type of healing as HPal imo.

And of course you mentioned Auras, another ability unique to our class.

We can also switch between being a melee healer and caster healer, with little difference in output. Some other classes can also do this, but usually one is significantly better than the other.

So I just don’t understand the comment really. Ret might have problems, but HPal seems pretty good right now as a raid healer.



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