Paladin sucks in tww

The only person who is confused is you.
Whats fun about underwhelming visuals and playing your rotation perfectly with BIS gear and still lagging behind other people because you have undertuned hero talents and blizzard going overboard with the nerfs.

Tuning has EVERYTHING to do with how it’s played and more importantly - how it feels.

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Coz i dont give a rats about all that stuff u mentioned, OP. Ive played ret paladin since vanilla when we had autoattacks and judging and hoping for SoC procs as a rotation.

Rotation is part of the gameplay but that’s reductive to say that’s all gameplay is.

Gameplay of a spec as to do with how it deals it’s damage, how it moves, how it defends, the utility they bring to a group and how they apply it.

As I said, tuning/numbers are still part of the game and what makes it fun, it’s just a seperate pillar from gameplay.

Just like the gameplay might be annoying/unfun if it was doing fart noise at all your actions, it can be made unfun from getting no impact as damage.

Oh we’re comparing the standard of class balance and how fun it is to the wonders of 2004? Most classes literally pressed 1 button - why would you even make this comparison lol

People are making this harder than it needs to be. A class can be fun to play while doing poor damage. A class can be unfun to play while doing good damage. It really is that simple.

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Gutted by nerfs or brought inline with nerfs. Everything I’ve been doing on my hpal I’ve felt very strong and you’re the go to spec for devo aura. Holy infusion was a talent you’d rarely take and CS got buffed because it was removed.

Ret is ret. Great utility, great survivability, and consistent damage. Unlikely to be meta but a solid choice for any raid or m+ outside of my most cutting edge groups.

Prot paladin isn’t too hot right now but really that comes down to tuning and we’ll see tuning in first month of TWW. Certainly in m+ prot paladins will not have a hard time with +10 keys.

Maybe for low level pve/world questing doing low damage with fun “gameplay” can both be simultaneously true.

Surely gameplay does include cc, utility, mobility, but in pvp as a dps if you dont move health bars effectively, It is highly unlikely you will find that gameplay enjoyable/good. Pvp combat requires effectiveness to feel like you have rewarding gameplay. Efficiency in capping nodes can come from the CC or Utility portion of your gameplay and if that is effective that gameplay provides a good experience (good gameplay). Being able to send enemies to the graveyard additionally provides a good player experience for the one doing the killing. Yes being very effective at killing players on spec A and being very effective at killing players on spec B can vary in joy derived from the two different playstyles/tools available…but what is good gameplay is subjective. The feeling for 2 players on the same spec can vary wildly. You might hate how simple getting a kill on a spec is, you might site a lack of damage done loss from not perfectly doing the rotation as the spec being easy mode, lacking the rotation requirement you think needs to exist to have “good gameplay”, while lots of other players love the spec as is.

Well you asked why would anyone play paladin, i just stated why.
If you care for the m+ scene, thats fine, i dont have a problem with that. I do have a bit of a problem with the FOTM way the game is played, personally it doesnt affect the way i play it but im not ignorant to the ‘trickle down’ effect it has from the high end playerbase towards the casual end.


3%… Is literally nothing…

Deco aura op raid buff. Lmaooooo

Why was it brought in line?

You are one of the many who only look at logs and determine a spec is “op” and needs to be brought down without knowing how or why is the spec performing so high. Just go to any hpal thread about the nerfs and read the responses from people who actually play the spec and then come back here. Thanks

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We’ve had a bug for all of beta that’s been increasing our Holystrike damage by an extra 5% - the bonus existed on both Blades of Light and Divine Arbiter too. We’ve been tuned around this bug for all of beta, but it’s now been removed days before the expansion launch inwithout any compensation buff. Ret’s single target is now likely to be really bad until we get further buffs.

This is what Admin of Ret discord said

If this is true bro… al those nerfs because of dev inconpetence…revert asap.

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This is infuriating.

It’s neither OP or “litteraly nothing”.

We don’t need to make an equally dramatic and exaggerated statement to the opposite of what he said.

I swear people can’t think outside of OP/Trash nomenclature.
It’s like nuance is a foreign concept.

3% DR is significant and helpful but that’s not what’s gonna save you on hard hitting mechanics nor should it.

It is, I noticed this too 2 weeks ago.

Likely what will happen is, once they have raid data with people on 4set, IF at this point ANY specs are outliers in how bad/good they are doing, they will get buffed or nerfed.

As they did in S2 and S3 but not as much in S4 (because it was a “whatever” season).

This ^
Ret is buggy and is currently near the bottom of the dps list for every spec, not to mention how much its struggling to find its footing in PVP.
Holy is lower middle after the constant nerfs due to a bug which has been fixed (and after TWO whole seasons of being a horrible healer for all content).
Prot is the worst tank by far.

None of the specs are performing well.

Anyone who’s paying attention to beta can see that almost HALF the classes are excelling across multiple specs or have at least ONE decent performing option while Paladin and Hunter remain the current exception.

I was wondering why my damage dropped so much. Good to know- thanks for sharing the info.

told you, rude awakening

Dude relax. Holy moly. You good?

Sorry but our auras are worthless just like Crusader aura. They took RET aura, but not devotion? No. But it should be 5% At min. Our beacons give 5% now.

Hol up- even if damage is lower isn’t paladin almost always picked in pugging because of the utility? Or does more damage matter now?

I love holy and have been enjoying it so far, but hey if you don’t enjoy paladin don’t play it. There’s so much whining and complaining on these forums, just play what you enjoy and if it’s a little underpowered whoopty do. If you don’t enjoy it don’t play it, this is a game after all.