Why wouldn’t you play a class for fun, it is a game right? People take the game way too seriously. No matter where each spec ranks in power I’m sure people will clear all content with each spec.
That’s a very rose tinted glasses view, unfortunately when it comes to mythic raiding/high keys spec bias lives on strong.
That doesn’t mean YOU need to be part of that biasness. He was absolutely correct when he said…
If you really don’t get that basic concept, then I got nuthin’ for ya.
Read the last line of the op
Shouldn’t have typed that…
Have a good vacation!
Edit: just so we’re clear everyone, Blizz can see the edits you make…
I get that some people in here like the fantasy of ret and will attack anyone criticizing current tuning because for them as long as they can solo a rare its ˝good˝, because they never step up to serious part of the game.
But if you are like this understand some of us go into more competitive environment where number of spots are limited and invites you get are based on how good your class is compared to others.
With having our ret aura removed and our single target dmg nerfed so hard that it impacts overall mythic + performance, ret is in a very bad spot for this season and in need of some attention. Also i don’t get this pushback against people asking for buffs from another point of view, you guys are paladins as well right? The buffs will only make you stronger than you are, why are you fighting against them? Unless you are trolls.
Point is we dont know either way wether the tuning is good or not because it’s not done.
It’s not that we don’t want buff or whatever, it’s that they may very well nerf everyone else in the meantime.
So it might not even be pertinent to be asking for them because, again, TUNING IS NOT FINISHED.
It’s like complaining about the gift you have in your hand after the first round of a gift exchange game.
It’s meaningless.
You definitely shouldn’t play paladin. As many people as possible should roll a different class and never level or gear their paladins. In fact delete any paladins you have on your roster. It’s too late to make any changes, they’ll be bad forever and never be good again, best delete them now.
Why o why people don’t understand this basic concept is beyond me.
Besides, I don’t know why people don’t think we received any buffs. As has been pointed out before, we’ve been given more buffs than we received nerfs.
Imho, for now ret and prot need help.
Pandaren monks don’t get to have opinions.
You may aswell with holy pally. Has been lacking behind for years.
Shouldn’t have typed that…
Have a good vacation!
Edit: just so we’re clear everyone, Blizz can see the edits you make…
Blizz would like not see if someone reported. Don’t be that guy
Sorry my guy, come again?
What you just typed is unreadable.
I got the “don’t be that guy” but everything before doesn’t make senses.
Paladin is great in pvp and open world leveling. As much as i get bored with paladin it is my most played class in retail wow. Whenever im sick of dying in open world elites , or doing overcomplicated rotations in raids or just do badly in pvp i switch to my ret and have a blast.
If ret isnt op on pvp on tww it might be the first expac i dont play it. But rets are one of the bg heros so i dont see them ever not being good in bgs.
It could be that pally stays at the bottom of the barrel until later in the season or it might get buffed before raiding starts.
Part of Blizzard’s balancing strategy is to rotate FOMO specs to get people to reroll and play longer until the population drops to the point where it is not worth changing. Then they don’t care if a few specs stay OP until the next expansion. The design is not about making everyone balanced at the same time.
The design is not about making everyone balanced at the same time
I mean they did a pretty good job in season 2 and 3 for DPS.
Everyone was really close to each other’s (raid wise).
And outside of 2hander class being tuned around the legendary, it was pretty close.
Like, if there’s around 10 point ( not %) between the second place and next to last, you’re pretty good balance wise.
( I say second place because the top one always has some shenanigans going with PI or other similar things with Augvoker and I say next to last because evoker Aug doesn’t count as a DPS)
You could take same tuning and make fight with a different profile and you’d get a different list too so it’s not JUST tuning, the fights also plays a role.
Good points. It is a difficult task so I think Blizz mostly tries although I stand by the comment that sometimes they nerf/buff throughout the expansion to keep people rerolling.
Point is we dont know either way wether the tuning is good or not because it’s not done.
Tuning is never done bud, its happening non stop, but what happends is some classes get left in dirt untill community is loud enough so blizz has to pay attention.
It’s not that we don’t want buff or whatever, it’s that they may very well nerf everyone else in the meantime.
So it might not even be pertinent to be asking for them because, again, TUNING IS NOT FINISHED.
Putting the fate of your spec in they “might” nerf others is not the best way to go about this, they might buff others and leave palas in dirt because of ppl like you saying paladin is fine. Again i fail to understand your problem with people callling for buffs on forums, nothing that inpacts you negativley in any way.
It’s like complaining about the gift you have in your hand after the first round of a gift exchange game.
It’s meaningless.
What i said in first response, this game of gifts(tuning) is never done, also callling this first round is so riticulus, we been getting nerfs
and few target miss buffs ever since ret aura removal and than no tuning for 3-4 weeks now, isnt that tuning done by your standards? Or should we stay silent untill tww ends and say tuning was bad?
Problem is you have two sets up data, the regular data from the average playerbase and the date from the people who min max everything looking for progression.
the average player isnt much affected, and if they switch classes due to this will be on the same level and general output on that class as well.
I played ret and prot in bc, i can play ret and prot in whatever they do in the new content.