How is that OP?
How is it not?
High keys and mythic raiding one of the biggest issues is living.
Itâs a flat DR on the entire raidâŠ
I feel like maybe we are playing a different game? Are you playing classic?
I get what youâre saying but itâs moot because of Aura mastery.
And not even because it enhance devo.
Even if it was detached from it, itâs soo clutch amongst healer CDs that Holy is always brought as a default.
And 3% DR isnât that strong, lets not kid around.
I think youâre trolling, never have i heard people saying 3% dmg reduction to the party/raid is OP.
Its huge in raid honestly. And when you use aura mastery thats gigantic. So when you say high key what are we talking 17, 18? (27/28 in previous seasons). I tried 18s and they were giga rough S3 and 4 of df. Throughput felt like it wasnât there. Currently iteration on beta is much better. Im a mega doomer but even I have to admit things are at least looking decent for s1.
Also back on the devo aura, put the dr on the healing meters and it would slap. Its constant. Not saying hpal is OP in current tuning, thats just trolling. But if it stays like this it gives us a fighting chance at pushing title, Though I think I need the OP version to actually get it. Still issue.
Ret and prot doesnât have that so not a point to make for them.
Itâs a good buff to have, but i wouldnât call it OP in any way. The most it will do is save your healers mana⊠how often do healers get to 0% mana?
It would in rare cases save someone from dying by a few %, but how often does that actually happen? Very low % of it saving someone for sure.
Aura Mastery is a cooldown, itâs considered separate since it only comes from Holy and he mentioned ret, which does not have it.
True, sorry I can only speak from the holy perspective. I just started playing a little ret. I really like it, but I guess that got Nerfed as well
I do that he cool down for my mythic raid team and I can tell you that aura mastery is the second biggest CD Behind rewind. When I map out cool downs for an ERT note, itâs one of the good ones that I use in the highest damage situations⊠Mythic plus itâs very useful as well. And the 3% constant dr Itâs probably factored into tuning which Iâm not sure I agree with because there are times, youâre right when through put it king
I wasnât talking about Aura Mastery though, only Holy has that.
Yes itâs expected, but as much as any other buff from the other classes, like Mark of the Wild for example since itâs closest, but superior imo.
Wait waitâŠ
With all due respect, youâre now playing a Death Knight, a Death Knight!!!
But weâre op???
Just a correction here, 3% DR is strong. Itâs stronger than the aura mastery DR over the course of an entire fight.
For the level of ove I do I dont care. I only care about pvp and that goes beyond tuning. The soec has to be fun and so far⊠its an extension of df paladin with not much to be excited about.
Ill play my paladin because its my main so long as the spec is fun and not completely trash in pvp. If its not fun (like df s1) Ill just stop playing all together.
may be he only uses one build and it is meta lol.
So this is less of a problem with Ret and more of a problem with Melee as a whole.
Earlier in the beta Frost and Ret was the only two melee specs worth bringing. But after the massive buffs to Deathstalker Assassination and the nerfs to Ret, they have taken the second spot for only viable melee.
It is not so much about damage (part of it is) and more about the fact that the new dungeons are extremely melee unfriendly. Maybe the most ever? But that might just be recency bias speaking.
Cavalary Charge, of course!
If there is two Paladins in the raid, both with Devo Aura active. Who is the absorb attributed to?
Point is, he called it OP which means overpowered.
And it is ,in fact, not op ergo not that strong.
Not a FROST DK coming into a paladin forum to tell us our class thats underperforming in EVERY spec is OP. Not this.
The only time a DK should be using the word OP is to discribe Blood or Frost. You know, blood being the strongest tank last season and going forward? Not to mention the numbers frost is pulling on Beta.
Iâd kill for paladin to do ONE of those things. Be grateful.

If there is two Paladins in the raid, both with Devo Aura active. Who is the absorb attributed to?
Youâd only ever have one holy paladin and raid. The other paladins would run different auras because there would be no point for them to run Devo since aura mastery is nothing for them. Therefore, all of the attributed mitigation would be for the holy paladin.
But donât worry - Paladins can secure a dps or tank spot with their other specs right? Because prot is doing so well - oh wait its the most undertuned tank in game.
Because ret contributes to raids with ret aura - oh wait, they removed it and now we donât even have dps numbers to keep up with war/dk specs in raid.
Garbage undertuned class is garbage.

The other paladins would run different auras because there would be no point for them to run Devo since aura mastery is nothing for them.
I do love my Crusader Aura, it makes my pwny faster!