Paladins haven’t been fun to play since Cata when holy power was introduced. The fact that the holy rogue combo point system trickles to Prot and Holy makes it even more of a joke. Prot specifically is so sloppy to play that I don’t see how anyone could find it fun.
After playing my enhance for a while i can saw ret isnt nearly as bad as people say. Prob a tier in pvp and divine storm build for dungeons is a ton of fun
Divine storm build is way too fun and really good on groups that don’t pull a lot.
Holy power > seal twisting
New unique system > holy combo points
This sounds like a troll post lol
How? This was before the expac dropped.
You didn’t have to seal twist in Wrath.
Honestly, I hardly remember wrath paladin. That was the expansion I went all in into Unholy Death Knight
It was when prot pally ardent defender was a auto cheat death healed up for more. But playing three dk specs was incredibly fun and OP and able to tank in all the specs!
Oh, I remember that now. Mostly because my friend kept dueling me when he was a prot paladin and him just roflstomping my unholy DK completely.
None of the recent Templar buffs are present in pvp, not sure if this is intended or bugged. The blue post that listed the buffs that went to live servers yesterday had no mention of a “does not affect pvp” caveat, but they are only present in pve content.
I’m sure it’s a bug. If it were intended, they would have most likely mentioned Templar not working with PvP.
I have no doubt they’ll get to it.
are they gonna buff or do something abt lightsmith please?
or whys no one talking about it lol. does anyone else like it?
herald got a buff but lightsmith barely feels like it does crap.
the passives suck, the shield is just ok but…its just all bad still.
the dps sword barely does jack lmao. pls buff/rework lightsmith.
I sort of wonder if Paladin tanks are so bad compared to others because of PvP reasons… I feel like a wet paper towel next to warriors and dk tanks but I will say I feel really powerful with a very good healer because I’m able to support my team well. As a person who pugs mostly though it varies a lot how effective I feel in a group.
Sometimes I just feel squishy.
Nah, got plenty of pvp specific nerfs to have Ret and Prot be worse than average. If they wanted prot and ret to be exceptional for pve they could still add more pvp nerfs to keep them poor choices in pvp.
What’s wrong with playing paladin for fun? Not everyone cares about M+ title or title range.
Ret’s ST may be weak compared to other specs but their AOE is not bad at all.
Idc about any of those either but i pvp and i want our burst back.
For sure Ret AoE has stayed strong and fun for PVE since I dont even know how long. Putting all the mobs in the Divine Storm blender I enjoyed for BFA, SL, and DF. For PVP Ret was fun for me in SL and the first half of DF, then the MM apocalypse darkened the skies with Binding Shot/Salvo/Volley/Tar Trap macros and I joined the Hunter ranks. Didnt have much chance as Ret Vs the pre-nerf Sniper Shot and Tranquilizing Shot removing BoP. Its gotten better, but not much better.
not sure why this post is flagged? silly