Getting rid of steed isn’t the goal…But you’re only happy if we only have steed. While you can intervene to any teammates near where you want to be, and Charge to enemies, and heroic leap.
Having a second mobility option is fine with me, if it is functionally similar to something like what you have, which is functionally similar to what most specs have. Having both a run speed increase and a very fast point a to point b ability would be great, but those that hate the fact that retribution is semi ranged are already mad we can walk faster than normal speed anyway. Adding full on charge or leap type ability to retributions fairly nice duration Steed charges would probably cause some kind of riot in the streets. That’s the only reason I’d be willing to compromise and say, replace steed with a shadowstrike type ability or similar, where my rotation helps me stay with an enemy I can do damage to already.
Retribution is the slowest dps that exists other than enhancement, and enhancement is at least allowed to heal in pvp and not have its burrow dispelled. So expect paladins to ask for some mobility. Bringing up death knights new mobility is just salt in the wound, as it is better than Steed. Since it suppresses snares and roots, someone can say, but Retribution and all paladins have blessing of freedom, okay, cool. So they get the same thing ret gets but it is dispell and spellsteal immune and for 1 less button press and dk has a button to remove stuns and a button to be immune from fears… death night is already designed, but maybe not tuned, to be better than retribution, and probably would be better than warrior also, if it just had mortal strike and disarm, as it already has a fifteen yard range interrupt.
The main reason this keeps coming up from me, is whenever I’m in PVP as retribution, I press steed because I’m trying to go somewhere, but then i’m feared. The fear happens to last the full duration of my steed, and now I’m in the wrong area or dead. The only way for me to stop the fear is trinket or bubble, and as we know, thats what I may possibly possess off CD to get out of CCs that are not a physical stun. So if I burn those on every fear that hits me, I’ll never have them for when real damage comes through. The most fun I have in the game is battlegrounds, especially rated, and using some of the most important abilities for survival to stop a fear from stopping me from doing what i’m supposed to be doing for the objective, is annoying. The very long cooldown defensives that I need to survive also get dispelled nearly always, so I can’t afford to use them just to clear a fear if i’m not simultaneously taking a lot of damage. In 10.0.7 launch Ret was very well compensated for any pvp relevant utility
it did not currently have, possibly too well compansated. It had great tuning granting fantastic survivability and damage. Missing out on really great tools like mortal strike or disarm ecetera didn’t matter, didn’t miss having no invisibility, no knockbacks, or having less pvp friendly crowd control than most specs. But then blizzard took away the survivability and the damage, so now I miss not having all those cool tools other specs have.